Chapter Five

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This is the lowest I've felt in a long time...her mom will find out in a few months anyway. There's no reason for me to say anything. Evelyn stood again and made her way out the doors and into some fresh air. She refused to admit to herself that she didn't want to be the reason someone she had cared so much about to get in trouble.
Evelyn walked further outside, and found a tree on the outskirts of the school yard. She closed her eyes and plopped onto he ground pressing her back against the trunk of the tree. She could feel the warm tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't stop them anymore. Evelyn sat for awhile. And after awhile the tears stopped. I just don't get it..I mean, I know I can be a bitch..but Ashley is my...WAS my best friend. Evelyn shook her head and then stood up. I need to clean up. She brushed off her legs and made her way to the bathrooms just inside the doors she had just left from. She pushed the door open and stared into her reflection. Dark streaks went down both her cheeks, her normally bright eyes looked dark. She looked away and grabbed a paper towel and started to wipe the mascara off her face. She looked up again and sighed. After Evelyn fixed her makeup, she started off for her next class. Two more hours...I can do this. She stepped into her next class and cursed herself for believing it would be easy. Ashley sat in the front row, chatting away with someone else. As if she hadn't just torn my heart into pieces. Evelyn quickly turned and walked to the back of the room, distancing herself from Ashley as much as possible. She took her phone out to distract herself. Her phone screen taunted her with a picture of both Evelyn and Ashley smiling. Evelyn bit her lip and put her phone away. The bell rung and she barely heard it above the sound of her own thoughts. How could she? Evelyn closed her eyes until, "Miss Paige!" "Y-yes?" Evelyn called out in surprise. Her teacher glared at her, "Please pay attention, class has begun." "I'm sorry Miss Brent, I didn't hear you." Miss Brent shook her head and went in with role call. Evelyn could feel Ashley's gaze on her before she even glanced up. It was one of regret but Evelyn only stared coldly back in return. Somehow she broke away and focused on the lesson. When the final bell rang, Evelyn slowly picked up her things, trying to be the last one out the door. She glared, annoyed that her neighbor also seemed to be bent on doing the same. Evelyn decided to just leave, and quickly. As she tried to walk out the door someone grabbed her hand. It was Ashley. "Ev, I need to talk to-" Evelyn cut her off, "No. Don't talk to me, don't even look at me. You're a poor excuse for a friend and I don't want anything to do with you." She shook off Ashley's grip and quickly made her way down the hall. Before she did however, she heard the girl that Ashley had sat with say, "What'd you expect? She's a bitch to everyone Ash." Once Evelyn made it to her final class, she finally realized she was crying. No one's here yet, it's alright I'll just fix- "Whoa...what happened to you?" Vanessa's face was suddenly inches from Evelyn's own. Shit.

Ahaha a new update :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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