What i never expected! one direction fanfiction

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You were a girl with not much nor a great life but something helps you have it all!

Your name is Ali Barren are 16 and you live in London with your step dad , because yours died when you where only 4 you have been changed from foster families many times because they said you where worthless, but now you live with what no one should have too.

Ali's P.O.V


You woke up from the shouting and you quickly when's down stairs

Ali:Yes Dave?

Dave is mi stepdad I hate him he is the worst Person I've met he only keeps me because they pay him too , he is terrible I always have to do as he says and most of the time hes drunk and I'm doing as told.

Dave: Go get me some beer now!

Ali: sure but first I'm taking a shower

Dave: Noo go get me mi beer

Ali:when I take a shower ill do it!

He got up from where he was sitting and whent to you and slapped you hard enough for you to fall to the floor

Dave: do as you are told or else

You did as he said and whent to get his beer because you now what he's capable of he constantly abuses you and when he's really really drunk he rapes you and sometimes even when he is sober

Ali:here's your beer

Dave:good now go to your room

You whent to your room and when you got there you started crying on your bed you new that you had to get away but you just didn't now how to so you just started packing a backpack with some cloth and cash that you had saved up for . You heard Dave coming up the stairs and you heard him close his door you quickly but silently whent down the stairs and opens the and that's when you heard Dave screaming

Dave:get your ass back in here

You started running and running you could still heard him screaming going after you but and the soddenly..................

You feel something hitting you in the side you fall to the floor and then quickly got up but all of the sudden you feel a horrible pain in your leg and you fall back down , you try to get up again and you succed and all of the sudden you her Dave screaming your name and he seemed very very angry you saw 5 boy get out of the car with frightened faces


Ali: Ummmmm can you just give me a ride please

You looked back and saw Dave getting closer then you looked back at the 5 boys they looked at each other and nooded in agreement

?:Hop in!

Ali: Thank you soo much by the way mi name is Ali

And unexpectedly they screamed






Liam: so we're shal we take you miss Ali! ( he said in a jokingly way)

Ali: ummmm

You started looking at the ground thinking what you where going to do now that your an away from dave and have now where to go

Niall: do you need a place to stay Ali? (He said with a look of worrie in his eyes)

Ali: kind of

What i never expected! one direction fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now