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Ok ok, I bet your wondering WHY THE HECK DOES EVERYONE HAVE ELF EARS!!!!!!! Well you see it's just based off of a video Game called The Legend Of Zelda, but in this world, they all live in Tokyo and they all have school and normal life's and stuff. But in this chapter I'm going to explain about the characters and their past life's and who they are! First off is Link our main character.
Link used to live with his family, just like a normal boy. Except his father died before he was born. Links mother past away but Link was old enough to move out anyway. So he did that with his little sister, into a apartment with two rooms and of course a living room and kitchen and stuff like that. One day Link bought a car and drove his little sister to school, but that's when the tragedy occurred. An awful car accident happened and his poor little sister died. After that Link sold his car and never again drove, or been in, a car. But now he lives in the same apartment, with his dog Epona. Also he lives just a couple blocks away from school which is pretty neat huh?
Ganen is a rich handsome boy and gets all the ladies, except Liana of course. Ganen's dad owns the mall that is practically the biggest building in Tokyo, that's probably why the ladies try to use him all the time, so they can get free stuff at the mall. Anyways, the reason why he's such a jerk to Link is because he's scared that Link is ganna steal his spotlight at school. Link is pretty handsome and cute, which Link is the next popular boy at school. But not as much as Ganen. Ganen's mom used to abuse him and try to make him the most perfect boy in the world and if he didn't do what he was told, he would come to school with bruises on his face and arms. All the girls would think that Link did it and would some times beat him up, but Links best friend Liana would stop them. Well there's Ganen's story also Ganen's mom is long gone, taken away by child services.
Liana is the most bad ass girl that can do anything, she works out, practically has abbs! And the most prettiest girl at the school, until Zelda came to the School. Liana and link have known each other ever since they were in preschool and have been best friends ever since. She has blond hair, blue eyes, elf ears, and with piercings. Ganen had tried mutable times to go out with her, but of course she rejected, How can she go out with him if he beats up Link all the time! She denies every guy, because she's saving her heart for Link and hopefully Zelda doesn't become between their friendship! Liana has been living by herself too, ran away infact, I guess her family was to much pressure on her or somthing... But she's happy and she lives right next to link! There neighbours how cool is that! Well onto Zelda!
Zelda is an American girl who moved to Tokyo because her dad had a job thingy there, sorry I just don't know grown up stuff because I'm a teenager- well u get the point! Anyways she has elf ears too and she's also very rich! But she's not bratty like the other rich people, she's really nice and would actually take a bullet for a friend if she had to! In America, at her old school she was called the princess of wisdom, from her fellow students. She loved that nick name and wished that she can still hear it from the voices of her class mates. But she wants her daddy to be happy and do what's best for him and her. Zelda could never argue with her dad, thinking of all the stuff that she's thankful for. Her mother passed away from an ill, which Zelda is now trying to get passed the situation. Every time Zelda hears the word mother, she tries to hold back the tears that wants to pour out of her eyes! She's to gentle and would like everyone she enjoys seeing, have a smile on their face, If they don't Zelda would do anything for them to be happy! She also plays the violin and wishes to be a famous violinist when she grows up!
Well there you have it! Hopefully u don't cry from their past story's, when I start to get dramatic with my story's I can't stop! Well onto the next Chapter! Thinking of stuff but my brain hurts I'll go update soon! Love u guys xoxo~phoebe

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