Chapter 38: Sweet words

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"Having a nice staring contest? " said Jisoo with smirked.

We both startled and I'm the one who unlucky here. I fell from the couch and land on the ground. I can feel my butt is hurt. They laughed at me even Jimin. He bursts into laughter while hold his stomach.

"Chae, are you okay?" Jisoo asked after laughed.
"No I'm not!! My butt is hurt!!" I groaned while get up.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scared you." said Jisoo.
"It okay." I pouted slightly while rub my butt to lose the pain.
"Jin making dinner. Want to help?" Jisoo asked.
"Sure." my face bright up when heard that.

Don't get me wrong. I love helping people in kitchen. My sister and I always helping our mother. Sometimes we fooling around. I look at Jimin and he looking down. He look like he in deep thought.
"Jimin?" while I call him, he startled and look at me.

"Hm?" he raised his eyebrows.
"You want to join?"
"Can you kiss my cheeks first? " he smirked at me. Gosh, since when he become flirty?
"Why?" I raised my eyebrows.
"To make me stand up." said Jimin. Then, an idea popped in my mind.
"Sure. I will love too." I smile at him. His smirked become more proud smirked. I walked closer to him.

I bend down since he sit so I have to. I leaned closer to him and...slap his face using a cushion right beside me.

"There, a cushion kiss you. Now, come on!!" I walked like a happy kid when they got a candy.
"PARK CHAEYOUNG!!! " he yelled. I can't help but laughed. Jisoo and Jin look at me weirdly.
"What happened? Why Jimin yelling your name?" Jin asked.
"Probably he got a kiss by a cushion. " I said with innocent smile. Jisoo and Jin look at each other then shrugged their shoulder.

Jisoo hand me a knife.
"Help me to cut this." said Jisoo while pointing at the carrot.
"Okie dokie!!" she giggles at me and back to her job. I admit it. When I look at Jin and Jisoo, they really perfect with each other. Like father and mother.

Lisa POV

I saw Chaeyoung helping Jisoo so that mean I have no one to play with. Jennie with Taehyung at the backyard. I saw them with Yeontan, Taehyung dog. Jennie love Yeontan because he look like Kuma.

I sigh heavily and drop myself on the couch.
"Boring?" I lifted my haze and saw Jimin sitting at the couch with phone on his hands.
"Not really. I just have no one to play with "

I pouted slightly. Wait, maybe I can play games with Jimin!! I look at him and about to-
"Don't ever think about it. I wouldn't play with you." said Jimin coldly. I pouted again.
"Geez, you are so cold. Why you're not cold toward Chae? It so unfair."

He look at me straight. I know he start to has a feeling with Chaeyoung. He just not admit it.
"I'm not." said Jimin with glare.
"Yes you are. You just deny it." I smirked at him while sit up.
"Once I said I'm not , it mean not. I just friend with her." said Jimin confidently. My heart sank when heard it. Why he can be so confident? Thank god, Chae not hear this.
"Don't say like that so confidently to Chae." I said with serious tone.

He look at me.
"My heart sank when heard you said like that. Even me hurt. Don't you think what Chae feel when you said like that? Remember, she is fragile. She not strong like you see." he look down. We all have feelings toward each other. He love Chae. Jin love Jisoo. Taehyung love Jennie.
"I'm gonna go upstairs. " said Jimin while walked away but he stop. He look at me over his shoulder. He look at me with smirked.
"You should think about Jungkook also." then, he walked away leaving me in confusion. What he mean by I should think about Jungkook also?

I..I love him friend way. Right? He use to teasing me and it make me...want him. Not in friend way the other way. Jungkook and perfect with each oth- Yah!! Lisa. What are you thinking. You in love with him!? Even you love him, do you think he love you back!? love him? Am I?

"Hey, Lisa." he call. I lifted my gaze when heard his voice.
"Y-Yes?" why I'm shuttering?
"Want to play video games with me at my bedroom?" he asked.
"Really!!?? Count me in!!!" I jump excitedly like a kid. He laughed and make me confused.
"Why are you laughing? "
"It just are so cute." said Jungkook while chuckles.

I blushed when heard he say that. I lower my head so that he wouldn't saw me blushing.
"Come on. I have many games." said Jungkook. I nods and follow him to his bedroom. I blushed just because of his...sweet words.

Taehyung POV

I rub his ears and kiss his nose.
"You are so cute!!! " Taehyung just watch me playing with Yeontan. Sometimes, I can see he smiling at me. I can see love in his eyes. Is it for Yeontan? I think it for him.
"Yeontan-ah. Want to play catch?" I asked while pat him. He barks at me.
"Ready?...come on Yeontan!! " I run and he follow me. He is so cute. I laughed while running from him.

"Yeontan!! If you catch her, I will give you favorite food!!" Taehyung yelled. Yeontan become more faster running toward me. He understand!? How!? Maybe Taehyung trains him. Finally, Yeontan jump on me and I fell. He on top of me and lick my face.
"Yah!! Yeontan-ah!! My face!!!" I laugh while try to stop him.

Taehyung bursts into laughter and walked over us.
"Yeontan-ah!! Go inside. Hoseok is waiting for you." said Taehyung while snapped his fingers. Yeontan get off from me and run inside. Taehyung knee down.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"If you not tell him he will get special food after catching me, my face wouldn't be sticky by his saliva."

He laughed at me and take out a handkerchief. I sit up and pouted like a baby. I don't know what happened to me. He smile at me and wipe my face gentle.
"Sorry. Yeontan always like that. He always lick Jimin face and when Jimin angry, he will run to Hoseok. He's so naughty." said Taehyung while he still wiped my face.
"But he still cute."
"He is. I adopted him when I was still child maybe. I don't remember. " said Taehyung.

Suddenly, he cupped my face. I look at him with surprised expression.
"Jen, you are so cute." he said. I can feel my face are hot. What happening!?
"Y-You just said that because you want to flirt with me. Don't think I don't know you are playboy." I rolled my eyes. He stare at me but his hands still on my face. He let out a heavy sigh.
"I know you think that but thanks to you, Jen. You help me change myself and're the only one in my heart." by then, he walked away leaving me blushing and confusing.

Just because of his...sweet word.

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