Chapter 68: It special for him

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Jimin POV

I sit at the couch with Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon. Jin at the kitchen still eating. We wait for the others to get ready. I bet Chae and the girls already went out to buy the stuff they need for our costume.

“Ughh!! I lose again.” groaning Jungkook. He play game on his phone.
“You play that game for 5th time already. Still lose?” Taehyung asked.
“It fuc*ing hard!!!” he growled.
“I bet Lisa is more good than you.” he glare at me and I just shrugged my shoulder.
“Don't you remember? She lose play with me.” said Jungkook proudly.

I just giggles.
“Give her a chance to win. She's your girlfriend after all. How if she sulk with you? What are you gonna do?” Taehyung asked.
“Me?” Jungkook thought about it for moment. He layed on the couch.
“I will....kiss her?” Jungkook said.
“Only that?”
“What? It personal okay.” said Jungkook.

I smirked at him because I know what he mean.
“How about you Jimin?” Taehyung asked.
“Yes. What are you gonna do if Chae sulk with you?” he asked.
“Well, we still not in relationship so....maybe treat her with ice cream? Or..I usually kiss her forhead because it become my habit.” they smirked at me.
“You both like in relationship already. ” said Jungkook.

I giggles when heard it. I have to wait for 2 more weeks to make her mine. On 14th...she will officially mine. This time, I need to court her. I smile by myself when taught about it.

I can't believed...the person that I hate, that I call enemy, that I hurt is my lover now.

Chaeyoung POV

“Jen, I think this enough already. We don't have enough hand to bring.” said Jisoo. Jennie chuckles.
“Sorry.” she said. Seriously, I'm bring 6 shopping bags, Lisa bring 4 shopping bags, Jisoo bring 5 shopping bags and Jennie bring 6 shopping bags. The total is? I don't want to count.
“Let go home.” said Jennie.

I buy a lot because I want to make a special one for Jimin. Thank goodness, we use car and not our motorbike. We went home after that.


I fall myself at the couch and groaning tiredly.
“Finally home!!!” said Lisa.
“I will make us some snacks and drink. You guys can start first.” said Jisoo and make her way to the kitchen. I sit up and take out everything that I buy.
“Wait. ” said Jennie.

We all stop and look at her confusedly. She sit at the couch and hand us the sketch book.
“We can't made a costume without a sketch. We need to draw how that clothes look like.” said Jennie. Well, she is right though. I take one sketch book and pencil.
“Let's start drawing. ”

I draw and draw. I'm not really good at drawing but Jennie said I'm good. Jisoo also start drawing after she get food and drink.
“Guys look.” said Lisa. We look at her drawing and all of us burst into laughter. She draw Jungkook wear a clothes like Alice of Wonderland. It cute but at the same it funny. I cover myself with my sketch book because I know my face is red right now because laughing so hard.

Jennie try to stop her laughed.
“Yah!! Lisa!! Jungkook wouldn't smack you if he know this.” said Jennie.
“It cute though!! ” said Lisa and giggles.
“But our main point is to make a MALE clothes. Not Halloween clothes. ” said Jisoo while wiped her tears from laughing.
“Nah~ I'm just draw it without notice. I will keep this drawing for his birthday soon.” said Lisa.

I still can't stop my laughed. I don't know what is funny make me laughed.
“Look at Chae. She can't stop from laughing. ” said Jennie while giggling at me.
“Yah!! Chae!! Calm down!!” said Jisoo.

I'm gonna died if I keep thinking about the drawing that Lisa draw just now. They know how to make me laugh. But that was coincidence just now. When I think it again, I'm gonna miss them. It hurt when I remember that I only have 2 weeks more. It make me broken.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates. I take out and it was Jackson. Ughh!! What this dumb*as want!!??

“Can we meet? At Tea4 cafe. 2 pm. I will wait you there. ” - Jackson

I stare at the text. Should I ask Jimin first? and Jimin are nothing and at the same time, I don't want to repeat it again. It just meet. I let out a heavy sigh.

“I need to go meet someone. ” I stand up.
“Your drawing? ” Jennie asked.
“Already finished. ” I smirked at her while show them my drawing. Their jaw dropped.
“Jimin will love this, Chae!!!” said Lisa.
“You know what person Jimin is, right?” Jennie asked.
“Yup.” she smirked at me.
“Why I'm asking this stup*d question after all? Of course you know. You are his future girlfriend. ” said Jennie.

I blushed when heard that. Jisoo claps her hands.
“You are right, Jen!! Soon to be his girlfriend. ” said Jisoo with smirked at me. Lisa also agreed with them. I think I can be tomato right now. I take the cushion and throw at them. They just laughed at me.
“Whatever. I'm gonna go now. Bye!!”

I run out before they start to teasing me again. I hop on my bike and put on my helmet. I start my engine but before I start drive, my phone vibrates. I take out and smile appeared on my face.

Don't made my costume to hot. Many girls will drooling over me. ; )” -Jimin

I let out a giggles when read that text. This guy is crazy.

Just wait until it finished. I'm sure you will like- no. I'm sure you love it!!! :) ;)”

I put my phone back in my pocket. I start to drive and went to Tea4 cafe.


Soon I arrive, I park my motorbike. I take off my helmet. I let out a heavy sigh. What this jerk want? I hop off my bike and went inside while still bring my helmet because I'm scared if he will do something again.

I saw he sitting alone with his coffee. I take a deep breath and walk to him. He seem like he didn't realize my presence. So, I knock the table gentle. He startled and lifted his gaze.

“Y-You came. ” he said.
“Talk before I change my mind.” I give him my cold face.
“O-Oh. I-I'm sorry. Take a sit.” he said. I hesitated at first but I just sit. I look at him and raised my eyebrows. He sigh.
“Chae, I'm sorry for what I did. ” he said.
“You should. It make yourself ashamed you know.”
“I know. I shouldn't do that. It like...I still can't accept that you see me as friend. But now...I think I already okay with it.” he said.

Seriously? Now? Why not before you kiss me!? You should notice it before ruin my relationship with Jimin that time.
“Fine. I forgive you.”
“Really?” he asked with disbelief face. I nods.
“Thanks Chae. ” he said with his big smile. Should I smile back? Maybe just a little? Ughh!! Just smile you idiot!!
“Welcome.” I give him a sweet smile
“So..I'm going back to Australia. I guess...see you there?” he said while let out a hands to shake.

I feel guilty to act cold to him. Everyone deserved a second chance right? I smile warmth at him and stand up. He awkwardly pull his hand back and stand up.
“I understand if you didn't want to have a skin contact anymore. I respect it-” before he finished, I hug him. I give him friendly hug. He stunned but he hug back.
“See you layer, dude.” I smile.
“See you later too, bestie.” he said.

We broke hug and fist bump. I bet we are best friend right now.

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