Blood and Ashes

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Nyla listened to her Queen's orders. Meraxes was still fierce, but it was plain to see that Skydancer's death had broken something in her.
The young Queen turned to her.
"We don't have enough men to face my brother. We need to get our own army. We need an alliance. Nyla, send out ravens telling of our arrival, but not our location, and we'll take it from there."

Meraxes sighed, hoping that she would not have to marry again. Once had been enough.
She still vividly remembered her wedding to Auro Lannister. It was not a fond memory.
She had been ten years old when her father had arranged the match, and thirteen when she was wed to the boy. He was three years her elder and not very intelligent.
She had never forgiven her father for forcing her to marry him.
Her wedding night had been a painful ordeal, Auro was not cruel to her, but he was clumsy and too rough. When she had complained, he had at least had the decency to apologize.
She had tried to avoid any intimacy with him after that first night, but of course, this had not always been successful. Usually she could avoid it, and Thorn would protect her, but sometimes she relented, if only to avoid her husband complaining to her father.
At least he had never gotten her pregnant. Meraxes was thankful for that.
Her husband was disappointed by her distance and lack of intimacy.
She had resented his attitude towards her, as if she were property and not a living girl.
He had died in a riding accident when Meraxes was sixteen. His horse had stumbled, and fallen on top of him, crushing the boy beneath him.
Meraxes had not wept. She remembered the shocked look on her father's face when she asked what had become of the horse.
"He was brought back by the soldiers accompanying your husband."
"May I have him?" Meraxes had asked.
"Seven heavens girl, why would you want the beast that caused your husband's death?" Her father had demanded.
"Because Smoke is still a fine horse." She replied.
"Do you feel anything over the news of your husband?"
"No." Meraxes said, honestly.

Her father had just stared at her like she had gone insane, but he had agreed to let her have the horse.
Smoke was still a fine horse, only 7 years old, and strong, and Meraxes was glad he had not been destroyed because of Auro's death.
Meraxes was not as cold as some thought. It was true, she felt nothing over her husband's death, but it was hard to cry for someone who you did not like.
But she felt guilt all the same for her indifference.
I'm not a monster. The girl told herself. A different man I could have cried for. A man I loved.
She remembered Elaena asking her if she ever cried.
I cried for you, didn't I? Meraxes thought to herself.
It was true, Meraxes had been devastated by Elaena's death. Maleron had been smug.
Of course he was smug, with the King's eldest heir dead, the throne would pass to Maleron.
But the Throne was not the reason Meraxes was going to war with her brother. It was for her family, for her people, for her life.

Meraxes stood at the map, eyeing the pieces that represented her brother's army.
Kovis stood beside her, waiting the Queen's command.
"How many resources do our smiths have?" Meraxes asked suddenly.
"Your Grace?" Asked Ryke, the Queen's advisor.
"I need to have armor made."
"Your soldiers have armor, your majesty."
"I need armor for me and Thorn." Kovis glanced at the Queen, and saw the fiery determination in her eyes.
"I'll see what can be done, your Grace." Ryke said with a bow.
Meraxes nodded, and turned to the window.
"Your Majesty, how do you intend to take the Red Keep?"
"It shouldn't be to hard after Maleron is dead."
"This could be harder than you think." Ryke said cautiously.
"War is never easy, Ryke, it's a terrible thing."
"Yet you are anxious to go to war, your Majesty."
Meraxes turned to face her advisor.
"I didn't start this war, Maleron did, when he shot Skydancer down." She said furiously. "And if you ever imply that I am happy to be at war again, then you will find yourself in a less comfortable position then the Queen's advisor." She spat. Ryke, who was growing paler by the second, backed away from the Queen.
"Do I make myself clear?"
"Quite, your Majesty."
"Good." Meraxes hissed, deep purple eyes full of rage. She took a deep breath.
Whatever she was going to say next was cut off when a guard burst into the room.
"Jereythiak was sighted mere miles from here."
Meraxes straightened.
"I want the walls armed with ballistas." The Queen commanded. "And I'm going after him. We can't allow him to find us."
"Your Grace!"
"I know, it's reckless, but I have to do this." Meraxes said, and strode out of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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