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Louis was woken up at three am. He leapt out of bed and rushed to Harry's bedside, where he found his son struggling to breathe.

Ari woke up from Louis pulling the side of Harry's cot down.

"Lou... what's wrong?" She said as they both took in the sight.

"Shit! Call an ambulance Ari!" Louis yelled as he pulled Harry's sleep suit off of him.

Harry's face was pale, he was wheezing, gasping for breath, tears falling from his glazed over green eyes.

Ten minutes later, paramedics were checking Harry over, as his parents were frantically pacing the bedroom.

Ari had called their next door neighbour, Bebe, over to watch the other children while they went to the hospital with Harry.


The trip to hospital was awful. Harry was fixed up to various monitors, an IV line was put in his hand, he had an oxygen mask on his beautiful face.

He was rushed into a room, where Doctors did their checks, trying to ease his erratic breathing.

Louis and Ari had to wait outside.

"Lou... he's not going to die is he?" Ari sobbed into Louis' chest.

He held onto her for dear life. He prayed their son would be ok, but he really didn't know what to say to her.

So he held her, as they both cried.

They sat there for what seemed like hours, when a Doctor came out.

"Mr and Mrs Tomlinson?" He asked. They nodded, as the man sat next to them.

"Please..." Ari whispered. "He's not..."

"He's very poorly. His heart stopped, I'm sorry to say."

"Wh-what happened exactly?" Louis asked, his eyes red and puffy.

"One of his lungs collapsed. They're just not formed as they should be. It takes a lot of effort for them to work, as they're so small. I think he will suffer from infections and other things for the rest of his life, unless..."

Louis looked at the Doctor. "Unless what?" He held Ari's hand in hope.

"He could have a lung transplant. It's a very risky procedure. There's no certainly that it would be a success. Plus he's still so young. I don't think that's much of an option for a few years yet."

Ari looked at Louis. "But... it's possible he could have it and lead a more normal life?"

"It's possible, but I can't say for sure. I don't want you to get your hopes up."

They nodded. "Can we see him?" Ari asked. She just wanted to see their baby.

"Of course. Follow me." The Doctor said, and they followed him to Harry's room.

He was laying in a bed. Wires and tubes everywhere.

"We're keeping him on the ventilator for now. His body needs to rest, so we're helping him to breathe. Don't be alarmed." The Doctor explained.

They sat next to the bed and gently stroked their little boy.

He looked like a little doll. Porcelain skin, tiny hands and feet.

"Our precious baby. Get better soon." Louis whispered as a tear hit the bedsheet.

"We need to be strong Lou." Ari said, leaning her head on Louis' shoulder. "It's gonna be hard."


The next two weeks seemed to go on forever.

Louis' parents had moved into their house to help look after Gemma and Niall, while Louis and Ari stayed at the hospital.

Harry had been off of the ventilator for a week. His lungs had grown a bit stronger, thanks to the drugs he'd been given.

He was still poorly though.

Louis was sitting in a chair, Harry cuddled up to him, as Louis read him a story. He loved stories, he especially loves Louis' calming voice.

"And they all lived happily ever after." Louis said, as he closed the book.

Harry smiled, despite feeling ill.

"You want to have a nap, lovely?" Louis asked, noticing Harry yawning.

Harry nodded as Louis wrapped his blanket around them both.

Louis was exhausted. He'd sent Ari home to get a proper night's sleep.

He stroked Harry's forehead and cheek until he heard him snoring quietly.

Louis closed his eyes, in the hope he could catch some sleep too. Which he did.

He woke up a while later to a tickling feeling on his chin.

He opened his eyes, and looked down to see a pair of green eyes looking up at him.

"Hello precious. Did you sleep well? Was that you tickling me eh?" He grinned, as Harry smiled.

It was nice to see Harry smile. He hasn't seen him do that much lately.

Harry raised his hand and tickled Louis' chin again, making Louis laugh.

"Oh...I see...you wanna play do you?" Louis said as he sat up a bit and tickled Harry's tummy gently, making the boy giggle.

This was such a good thing to see.

The Doctor walked in, mid tickle, and smiled.

"I see someone is feeling better today?" He asked as he looked at Harry's chart.

"Yeah...he woke me up tickling me. He's never done that before." Louis said proudly.

"Marvelous. Well...let's do our checks Harry."

Louis picked him up and placed him on the bed. Harry didn't like going from the warmth of his Daddy's body to the coldness of the bed sheets, and he squirmed a bit.

"It's ok love, you can come back to me in a minute." Harry smiled at that and settled down.

"There's definitely an improvement from yesterday. I'd say, all being well...he can go home tomorrow." The Doctor said. Louis nodded, and smiled brightly.

The Doctor left and Louis picked Harry up again.

"That's great news. You're gonna come home baby. I need to tell Mummy."

Louis dialled his home phone in case Ari was sleeping. After two rings, his Mum answered.


"Hi Mum. I've got news. The Doctor is pleased with Harry and said he may be able to come home tomorrow. Can you let everyone know please?"

"Oh that's wonderful. Oh I'm so pleased love. Of course I'll tell them. Give Harry a big kiss from all of us."

"I will do. I love you " Louis hung up his phone and went back to doing what he loves more than anything....cuddling Harry.

Awww...poor Harry.

I wrote this in about 45 minutes lol that's quick for me.

What's in store next?

More tomorrow.

Who's coming to Eroda with me? I'm going tomorrow.

All the love 💞💞💞

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