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September 13th....

"Happy birthday Niall!" Everyone yelled as Niall walked in the door. He wasn't expecting a family get together.

"Oh my God! Really?" He laughed. "Thank you guys." He shut the door and took his jacket off. He hugged everyone.

"Come sit down. We got your presents." Gemma said as she pulled him over to one of the sofas.

Harry was laying on the other one, propped up against some pillows.

Niall went to Harry first and hugged him. "How you doing bro?"

"G-good th-thanks." He smiled up at Niall.

Niall sat down and opened his presents.

It was Niall's 21st birthday so he got special gifts and lots of money.

"Honestly, thank you everyone. I love you all so much."

The family sat altogether, some on the floor and chatted.

"We have some news." Gemma announced as she held Roman's hand, both of them grinning. "We're having a baby."

Louis jumped up and hugged them straight away. "Oh my God that's wonderful news. But I'm too young to be a Granddad!" He laughed.

"Sorry Dad." Gemma giggled.

"I'm joking love. I'm so happy for you."

Everyone Congratulated them. Harry looked up at Gemma as she came to sit next to him on the sofa.

"Hey Harry.  What do you think?" She asked.

Harry smiled. "G-good. News. "H-hap-py."  She took his hand and kissed it.


Harry was laying on the sofa, Kitty curled up beside him.

"You ok Precious?" Louis asked, sitting on the other sofa with a cup of tea.

Harry was feeling sad.

"C-can we g-go out?" He asked. He hadn't been outside in a few days, and that was only in the garden.

"You feel up to it? Where would you like to go?" It was a lovely warm day, so Louis thought it was a good idea.

"S-see d-ducks."

"That's a good idea. I have some seeds we can take to feed them." He smiled.

An hour later, they were at the park, Harry in his wheelchair.

"Oh look Harry, there's lots here today." Louis said as they parked up by a bench.

Harry smiled. He wished he could walk over and feed them. But he would never do anything like that ever again.

"You want to feed them?" He asked. Harry shrugged.


Louis lifted Harry from his chair and went closer to where the ducks were, he sat on the ground with Harry sat between his legs.

"Put your hand palm up on my leg." He said. Harry did so.

Louis emptied some of the bag of seeds onto it and they waited.

The ducks took notice and started waddling over to them. Harry gasped.

"D-Daddy!" He giggled.

Two came over and pecked lightly at Harry's hand. "Oh wow Harry...you're feeding them."

"P-pecking m-me." He laughed. Louis held his phone in his free hand and filmed it.

When all the seeds had gone, the ducks started wandering away.

"B-Bye b-bye d-d-ducks." Harry said. He was getting tired now.

"Did you like that?" Harry nodded against Louis' chest.

"Let's get going now. We can have a nice walk around the park. That sound good?"

"Y-yes th-thank you." He yawned.

Louis put him back in the chair and they were off again.

They walked a couple of times around the park. Harry had fallen asleep a while ago.

Louis sat on a bench for a rest.

He took out his phone and watched the video he just took.

He loved hearing Harry giggling and seeing his happy face when he had turned the camera around. A tear fell from Louis' eye.

He felt sad. He started thinking of all the things that Harry would never be able to do again. All the new things he wouldn't be able to do in the future.

He had to stop himself. He knew he was falling into a depression. He needed to be strong for Harry and the rest of the family.

He wiped his eyes and stood up. They went home.


"F-funny d-d-ducks." Harry said as Louis showed him the video from earlier.

"Very funny. We can go again soon if you want to?"

Harry nodded. "Yes p-please."

"Is there anything else you want to do?" Louis asked. He had been thinking about doing things that Harry might like.

"I...I d-dont know. M-maybe."

"You have a think about it and let me know and we'll see if we can do it. Ok?"

"Th-thank you. C-cuddle?"

Louis smiled. "Of course love. Come here." Louis picked Harry up and sat him on his lap. They cuddled up together, Harry's head on Louis' chest and watched TV.

He stroked his hand through Harry's curls. His hair was getting thinner, and some had fallen out. It was heartbreaking for Louis.

He loved his boy more than life itself.

Omg I'm so sorry. I really struggled to write.


All the love 💖💖💖

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