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"Hello pretty Perrie!" Harry said as he was wheeled into the hospital room for his physio.

"Hello handsome Harry." She replied, smiling at him and Louis. "And how are you today?"

"I'm great. It's my birthday soon. I'm gonna be 17. That's my favourite number." he replied  cheerily. "Will you come to my party?"

Perrie smiled and looked at Louis,  who shrugged.

"I'd love to. Thank you very much."

Harry clapped his hands. "I have my legs on already, see?" Harry said, pulling up the legs of his jogging bottoms.

"Wonderful. So how is the walking going at home?"

"The crutches make me ache."

"Better than shuffling around on your bum though?" Louis added.

"Yeah, cos my bum really does hurt when I'm on the floor. Aaaaand...when I have my legs on, I go to the toilet on my own." He beamed.

"That's good." Perrie said, writing her notes.

"Just need to work on your aim though. keep finding puddles on the floor." Louis laughed.

"Sorry. It's hard to do it when I'm holding onto the wall." Harry replied, blushing.

"It's ok. I'm not mad or anything. It's good that you're trying." Louis really was proud of Harry doing things for himself.

"Shall we start?" Perrie said helping Harry up out of his chair, with Louis' help.

They walked slowly over to the beams and Harry held on. Perrie and Louis let him go.

Perrie stood beside him and Louis took his usual place at the other end.

"Off you go. See how we do today."

Harry took slow, careful, small steps. "Do I need to do this? I can already walk wiv crutches?"

"Yes. This is just to check how you're walking, and to strengthen your muscles."

Harry sighed. His mood dropped quite suddenly. He would rather be at home with his cat.

Harry made 2 turns up and down before he felt tired.

He started to fall backwards, like he was going to sit down. "I can't do any more." He huffed.

Louis caught him, picked him up and put his chair. "What's up love?"

"I'm tired."

"Ok. That's enough today. We still need to do your strengthening exercises." Perrie said.

"Can I rest first?" Perrie nodded.

Harry sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"Has he been feeling ok lately?" Perrie asked Louis.

"Yes. He's been feeling ok. Very chatty and annoying." He laughed. "Asking very embarrassing questions."

"Such as?"

"Puberty. Keeps going on about hair and know?" Louis pointed towards his crotch.

Perrie smiled. "He's growing up. He's obviously noticing his body changing. Asking questions is a good thing. You are answering them?"

"Yes. I don't know why I find it so difficult though. I've gone through this twice already. I guess I just thought he wouldn't ask. Stupid, I know."

"Not stupid at all. But he needs to know things. Don't be nervous or embarrassed. Every parent goes through this." Perrie placed her hand on Louis'.

He smiled. "Thanks. I'll try my best."

"So...would you like to come to ours for Harry's birthday? He's not having an actual party though. It'll just be us 4, and his Gran, oh and Gemma's new boyfriend."

"Gemma has a boyfriend? Wonderful. What's he like?"

"He's really nice. He's doing the same course as her. He was really good with Harry,  and Harry's taken a real shine towards him. They've gone on holiday to York."

"That's lovely. I'm so happy for her. She's a lovely girl."

"Thanks.'ll come?"

"Definitely. I'll look forward to it."

Harry had been asleep, and just woke up. "What did I miss?" He asked.

"Nothing." Louis smiled. "Just chatting."

"Exercise time!" Perrie said, getting up from her seat and wheeling Harry over to the bed.

Louis put him on it and removed his legs.

Perrie did his usual exercises. Some of them made Harry ache or cry out as it was uncomfortable.

"All done." She said as they finished the last one.

Harry out a big sigh. "Thank god. It hurts."

"What hurts love?" Louis asked. He didn't normally say anything hurts.

"My head. Someone has a drum in it."

"That's not good. How long has the drum been in there?" Perrie asked, concerned.

"Since I woke up. My eyes ache too."

Louis was panicking a bit and pulled Harry's t shirt up, checking for any rashes.

Perrie looked too. They both relaxed a bit after finding nothing.

"Can we go home now? " Harry asked, quietly.


"Let me know how he is later please?" Perrie said as Louis put Harry back in his chair.

"Will do. Thanks Perrie. Say thank you Harry. "

Harry waved, half heartedly. "Bye pretty Perrie." He whispered.

Louis took him home.


They just made it home when Harry threw up over himself.

"Sorry Daddy!" He cried out as he was sick again.

Louis quickly picked him up, rushing him to the downstairs toilet,  just as he was sick again.

He felt very warm and sweaty.

Once he was done, Louis undressed him, then took him upstairs

"My poorly boy." He said as he set him on the floor, filling the sink up with warm water.

"Sorry Daddy." Harry said again.

His skin was pale and clammy. His eyes looked glassy. He really didnt feel well.

Louis washed him down as he told him it was ok and he loved him.

"What caused this eh? Pyjamas and sofa cuddles?"

Harry nodded as he put his head on Louis' chest.

He dried him with a big fluffy towel and carried him to his room, putting his pyjamas on.

They went downstairs and he laid him on the sofa. He put a bucket on the floor beside him and sat down next to him.

Harry crawled over and put his head on Louis' lap.

Louis rubbed his scalp,  making him very tired.

It didn't take long for Harry to fall asleep.

Two chapters in one day. Don't say I never give you anything.

All the love 💖💖💖

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