Special: Thanksgiving

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A little short story in the spirit of Thanksgiving!


Satan P.O.V

I sighed and looked at the smaller boy in front of me. 

"What?" I asked, tired of him staring. He had been sitting across from me, staring at me intensely for the past hour. At first I ignored it, but eventually, I got sick of it. I mean, you try working at your desk under the fierce stare of a Fallen Angel. 

Lucifer crossed his arms. "Do you know what day it is?" He huffed. 

I gave him an exasperated look. "No. What day is it?" 

Lucifer's eyes widened with shock. "How could you not know?! It's literally one of the most important days of the year!" With that, he let my office in a flurry of emotions. I let out another sigh and rubbed my temples. He really gave me a headache. Snapping my fingers, I summoned my keeper. He was a small little demon, with red skin and two horns. But he was a bit on the chubby side. 

"Yes, Your Majesty?" He croaked, his voice shaking with age. 

I leaned back in my chair. "Tell me, what is today? Why would today be important to a mortal?"  

Keeper chuckled. "Why, today is Thanksgiving. A joyous occasion in which mortals gather to share what they are thankful for. I'm sure that there is also a feast with that."

I nodded, then waved Keeper away. He disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving me with my thoughts. I couldn't understand what had Lucifer so upset. It was only a holiday to get fat. I couldn't understand why he was so hung up on a pointless day. 

I pushed myself up from my chair and made my way to our room. Before I could walk in, I could hear Lucifer speaking. I cracked the door open a little, and saw him speaking to the dogs. 

"- and I thought this year would be the first time I'd get to celebrate it... but whatever. You can't miss what you've never had."

I stepped back from the door. That was the reason. He thought he'd have his first Thanksgiving with me. I didn't know why, but my heart warmed at the thought. It was probably because we were mates. Either way, I wanted to make him happy. He had been unhappy long enough. 

I walked through my castle until I reached the kitchen. I had this recipe that my mother taught me, and it was something I enjoyed eating no matter what. But she only made it on special occasions. I could only remember the ingredients she used. Not the order they went in.

I tried anyways. It took steaks, lots of rice, and three tries. But I finally got it down. I picked up the steaming beef cutlet bowl and carried it to our room. I opened the door, only to be met with an adorable sight. Lucifer was curled up on our bed, with the dogs curled around him. I set the bowl down on the bedside table. I shoved the dogs off the bed and shook Lucifer awake. 

He blinked open his red eyes. I waited for them to focus on me. 

"Satan? What are you doing?" He murmured, sitting up slowly. When his eyes caught the bowl, they lit up. "You did remember!" He leaped up and engulfed me in a tight hug. I fought the smile that was slowly inching its way onto my face and let my arms hang by my side. He knew I didn't return hugs, and never thought much about it.

Lucifer leaned back and grinned. "I got you something too! Or rather, I made it" I tilted my head to the side slightly as he reached over to the other table. He pulled out a piece of paper. Taking one look at it, I knew I would hang it up somewhere safe. 

It was a very good drawing of me. Same jawline, hair color, and eyes color. I allowed a very tiny smile to appear on my face. He climbed into my lap, and I pass the cutlet over to him once he's settled. When he bites into it, I could see him nearly moan in satisfaction. That alone makes me immensely pleased with my self. I grabbed the remote, then turned on the tv. I leaned back on the headboard, enjoying the warmth that came from Lucifer's back, which was pressed up against my stomach. 

I closed my eyes, just reveling in the tranquility of the moment. 

Of all the things I was grateful for, Lucifer was without a doubt at the top of that list. 

Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be busy for a while, but I'll find the time to update. Sorry it's so short, I really tried to make it as stretched out as I possibly could. Did you like it though?

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