Part 3.4~ Lucifer

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Another update? Yes, because I AM ON A ROLL!

Anywho, I don't remember how many people wanted this, so I'm asking again before continuing. Do y'all want Keven to get a story or no? I have an idea, but I don't see the point if no one wants to read it. Comment and let me know!

(I forgot if Isaiah and Lucifer kissed before... so, don't be confused)


As I came back into consciousness, I noticed a few things. For one, all the pain in my body was gone. It was as if my back hadn't been split open at all. 

Second, I was no longer in the cold, white room. I could no longer feel the icy steel on my torso. That brought me to the third thing. I had clothes on. I sat up, sitting on my knees a looked down at myself. There was a shirt on me. I was confused. Was all that a dream? But the things that had come from my back...

A jolt of force from behind shoved my body forward. I threw my hands out, catching myself before my face could collide with the pillows. I felt something weird on my back, almost as if I had arms grown back there. I cautiously looked behind me...

The air caught in my throat as I saw the first white feather. I followed it as far as I could, which was the middle of a humungous white wing. I gasped softly, watching the new appendages twitch.

A chuckle sounded from beside me. "I take it you're surprised by your wings?" I turned my head to see Isaiah standing right next to where I had been laying previously. 

"Surprised is an understatement," I scoffed. As if reacting to my irritation, the wings on my back flared, spreading out abruptly with my words. The sudden movement caused me to lose balance and flop into my back. Isaiah laughed.

"Don't worry, you get used to them with practice," he said, still laughing. I scowled, trying to push myself up. Trying to help, or at least I hope they were, the wings propelled me off the bed. I shot off with a shout of surprise, and collide with a nearby wall. 


Isaiah took his time walking over, and helping me off the ground. He was snickering, but quickly stopped when he caught my heated glare. Smart choice.

Annoyed, I brushed myself oof as Isaiah walked over to the door. "There are clothes on the dresser. I'll be right back," he said over his shoulder as he left. I tilted my head. Had he been with me the whole time?

Shrugging it off, I walked over to the dresser, and grabbed the clothes that were up there. They reminded me of what the assassins from the video game Assassin's Creed wore, except with more modern fabric. White skinny jeans, a short-sleeve black button-down, a black leather jacket, a leather belt that went around the torso (I think it held weapons or something), and a hilt that I'm sure was for a dagger. 

I pulled up the pants, and picked up the shirt. It had two slits in the back, and I knew immediately what they were for. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated on the feeling of my wings. I thought of them to be the same as the limbs in my arms and legs, capable of moving them how I wanted. And they did. They folding in, allowing me to slip the shirt over my head. Then they sprung out escaping through the slits. The jacket was the same. I clipped on the weapon's belt, then the hilt, plus some ankle socks and a pair of leather boots, that thankfully had no heel whatsoever. 

Done getting dressed, I sat on the head, and began to work on my control over my wings. They worked just like arms. They went up, down, back, and could even curl around my body like a shield. 

The door to the room opened, and in walked Isaiah. His face said carefree, but his eyes read grim. I held in a sigh as he said the predicted words. "Come on, it's time."

I hopped off the bed and followed him out of the room. In the halls, servants were bustling around, looking frantic, and I saw the occasional soldier rush by, looking excited but worried at the same time. It probably wasn't often they got to go to war. 

He led me to some kind of land or take off pad, one that outlooked the entire town below. I peeked over, shivering when I saw how far the drop was. Narrowing my eyes, I could see the so-called Rebels in the distance, slowing getting closer and closer. It somewhat irked my soul to see them marching to cockily, as if they thought they knew they were going to win. 


For once, his tone was completely serious. I turned to face him, taken off-guard by his grave expression. He leaned closer to me, and spoke with sincerity. "Please, be careful," he said, looking deep into my eyes. Being so close, I notice the red flecks in his golden eyes. 

Unable to come up with words, I just nodded. He gave me a real, genuine smile, before leaning in a kissing my temple, and then stole a quick peck on my lips. It was quick, but enough to let me know how he felt. He was worried, and concerned about my well-being. He leaned back and gave me a cocky smirk, before turning on his heel. Then, he was gone. I stared at his retreated back, frozen with shock, until he disappeared around a corner. Even after he was gone, I was still stunned. 

He... he kissed me. Full on the lips. I brought a hand up to my face, allowing my fingertips to brush over them. I still felt the phantom weight of his lips on mine. My first kiss...

I was shaken out of my stupor by a series of angry shouts. Looking back out, the soldiers of both sides had met, both standing off to each other. 

Taking a deep breath, I moved to stand on the edge of the ledge, I avoided looking down at what could be the drop of death for me, Instead, I focused straight forward. With deep, concentrated breathing, I closed my eyes, took a step forward, and...


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