Happy Easter!!

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Happy Easter everyone! Here's a cute little short for the special holiday~


"Please?" Lucifer begged. 

"No," I said stubbornly. I absolutely refused to go to the stupid Easter picnic Dantalion had invited us to. 

Lucifer pouted. "But I'll get to see Xavi!" He paused as mischief flickered through his eyes. "And you can choose what I wear!" 

That made me meet his pleading gaze. "I can choose what you wear?"

He regarded me with cautious eyes. "Y-yes...?"

"Anything I want, right?" I pressed. 

"Sure..." he responded hesitantly.

I smirked. "Alright. We can go."

He cheered, bouncing around me. I sighed. Sometimes, his energy was too much. But I was getting excited myself. I got to put Lucifer in anything I wanted. I knew Lucifer though. Even though he said anything, he had his own boundaries that he didn't like crossed. Like making him wear nothing but a bunny tail and ears was out of the question. And he liked dressing cute, even though he denied it as much as possible. 

Within a couple minutes, I had an outfit for Lucifer. I shoved it into his waiting hands, then pushed him into the bathroom. I shut the door behind him, knowing he would have something to say about what I chose. 

I had to get dressed myself. I wasn't the type to wear a suit for Easter, so I went with something much more casual, but less dark than my usual look. A pair of white-wash jeans and a white t-shirt was good enough. Lucifer would probably choose any jewelry I wore. I grabbed a brush, and brushed my hair into a comb-over. I deemed myself presentable enough, and waited for Lucifer to come out of the bathroom. But he was taking eons...

"Hurry up Lucifer, or we'll be late," I reprimanded through the door.

"Alright alright, jeez. Beauty takes time, you know?" He retorted through the door. 

My eyebrow twitched. I ran out of patience and walking into the bathroom. Lucifer was leaning over the counter, getting his face as close to the mirror as possible. He was putting extreme concentration into his eyeliner. 

"I thought you didn't do makeup?" I chuckled. 

He shrugged. "I make an exception for special occasions."

I studied his appearance. Ripped baby blue short shorts, white top with lace on the shoulder and collar area, white pompom tail, and headband with white ears. His hair brushed neatly, and he left his bangs swooping to the left. 

He turned to face me, eyes taking in my plain outfit. "Not good enough," were the words I heard before he was going through his jewelry boxes. He pulled out a black chain with a black cross on it. 

I pursed a brow. "Really?"

Lucifer only giggled. "It'll look cool. Here, these too." He handed me the necklace plus two plain black rings. "One's a thumb ring, and the other is an index ring."

I slipped the rings on first, then worked on clasping the necklace around my neck. While I was doing that, Lucifer pulled out his own jewelry. Two diamond studs for his ears, and thin silver chain with a small diamond necklace. He held it up to me, silently asking me for help. I took the necklace and clasped it around his neck. The moment I was done, he turned to me, grinning widely. 

"Okay, let's go now!" He squealed. He ran to slip on his black and white Converse. I put on a pair of white Airforce 1s (because I'm not cheap).

I rolled my eyes before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and teleporting us to Dantalion's large estate. It was more modern than my castle was, and was probably the only white building in the realm. Of course, there were black accents, but the walls were mainly while polished quartz and glass. 

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