Pound the Alarm

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" Pumps on and them little mini skirts is out
I see some good girls, I'm a turn 'em out.."

      Hazel's P.O.V

I wish I could have said that I woke up with a smile on my face,  but the nagging voice of my older brother prevented that from happening.

"You're late for school!" An alarmed voice said -well, screamed....in my ear.

"What are you talking about?" I said groggily and rolled over to check the time. "It's only.. 7:15?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I wildly jumped up from bed, leaving my blanket in a tuft.

But what I had missed was Zach's evil grin.

You can clearly guess what had happened next. And it included a lot of screaming, huffing, and punching on my part. While Zach couldn't keep his mouth from cackling. He had changed the time settings on my phone the night before. Bastard.

It had been only 5:30 when I was violently awoken and got dressed for school. And by dressed I mean wearing some yoga pants with a sweatshirt. Without brushing my teeth or hair. Eugh.

Hence, now I was finding it hard to stay conscious  while the Physics teacher- whose name I learned to know is Freya- went over the Laws of Physics. Yawn.

"What time is this class over?" I whisper-yell to Annabeth who is sitting right beside me.

"In about...zero seconds," and the bell goes off. Thank god. I wouldn't be able to bear Mrs. Freya's high, annoying voice any longer.

I collect my folder and hurry to get out of the classroom, not forgetting to force Annabeth beside me though.

She glares at me playfully as we make our way to the lunch room.
Finally, my favorite part of the day.

This is only my first week and I already hate this school.

Taking a seat on the table at the far corner of the large room, I take a glance at my surroundings.

I look at all the tables and I'm actually not surprised that I can't see Zayn anywhere. Too cool for a school cafeteria, no?

It's all silent. Only the sound of slight murmuring could be heard. It was one of those moments when if someone dragged their chair across the floor, the whole student body would turn to face them. So I took my bites carefully and made sure my chair doesn't squeak. That is, until the doors open with a huge bang. Like in every cliche movie, I expect Zayn to come barging in with his squad like he owns this place.

But instead, two unfamiliar boys trail behind a black haired, blue eyed girl.

They actually seem like lost puppies with those expressions, but the piercings and tattoos make up for that slip.

Surprisingly, I notice that I'm the only one staring. So I suppose they're not that popular then?

It doesn't even seem to affect Annabeth as she makes her way towards me.

"This is such a cool cafeteria!" She squeals like a kid on Christmas day, once she reaches the table.

I chuckle at her childish behavior.

"Forget the cafeteria. Let's talk about those people who just came barging in. Who are they?"

Her eyes cast towards the girl and she folds her hands together. Leaning down, she squints her eyes at me like she is about to spill some juicy secret. And that basically describes Annabeth.

"Mary Lou and her boy toys. They have a reputation in this school. Studied here since fourth grade. I heard that they bunk classes just to waste time smoking pot behind the school building, no one dares to question them. Not even their parents. And that scar on her cheek? Romours have it that she gets abused by her father and cousin. She only ever talks to attractive boys who look for everything teenage boys want,"

I take a close look at her, watching her grab stuff off the counter to pile them in her tray.

"Well you seem to have done your homework," I mutter, still gazing at her.

"Shit! Speaking of homework, have you done your Physics assignment?"


THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT- WAIT WHy am I typing in capital letters- the good news is that there will be a DOUBLE update because I lost a bet with Mary -____-

AND yus. DAT iz it.


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