Here Comes the Hotstepper

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"Here comes the Hotstepper
I'm the lyrical gangster
I'm a live in-a me danger
Still love you like that.."

Hazel's P.O.V

"But it's not even Friday!", I argued.

"That's the thing, our parents won't suspect a thing and neither will the cops!" She pleaded with hopeful eyes.

"Cops?" I won't be going to any party where cops might be involved.

It was Wednesday afternoon and it had been two weeks since my encounter with hell boy. I hadn't seen him since, just heard whispers about him and his friends bunking classes and how it was the norm.

She rolled her eyes.

"Come on, it's a college party. There's going to be booze and besides, it's not our party so we won't get in trouble. Percy has our back, he's good with these things."

"Percy?" I wiggled my eye brows at her and she turned a light color of pink.

Boys falling for Annabeth wasn't rare, in fact, she has had more boyfriends in the past year than I have had in my whole life. I'm not saying she's a slut, although that's what I thought at the beginning. She's just a little confused, looking for the perfect guy to swoop her off her feet.

And if this Percy guy is interested in her, he better treat her right or I'll twist his manh-

"Oh shush, you. He's just a guy in my economics class. Stop trying to change the subject. You are coming with me to this party and that is the final say. Now get your arse up, I'm picking out a dress for you," she said before disappearing in my walk-in closet.

I sighed, knowing that she did have the final say. I knew I couldn't win this.


The music nearly damaged my ear drums as I struggled to find my way out of the crowded kitchen. Yes, crowded kitchen.

Every part of this house- no, mantion, was covered with tipsy teenagers dancing like they don't have school tomorrow. The tiniest spaces between their feet was covered with litter like red solo cups and what not.

Parties were never my thing. Neither was sitting at home and doing nothing, I yearned to do something productive everyday. Do something that'll actually make a difference to me and the people around me. So far, the differences I had made was donate all my life savings to a charity, find my sister the perfect husband and learn to cook pasta so my mom wouldn't have to do everything. So I was struggling on that ambition, but I'm working on it.

Annabeth had ditched me for that Percy guy as soon as we entered the place. So much for 'Bestfriends stick together'.

So I was aimlessly wandering through the house with a frown etched up on my sweaty face. The fact that this place wasn't air conditioned didn't help either.

This was exactly the type of place my parents would've never wanted me to go. This was my first college party and honestly it didn't go well. I squeezed through the sweaty drunk people so I could get some air. Any minute now I would faint because you see, I'm cluster phobic.

There was a small stage set up in the middle which was probably the only place which was not crowded. The music suddenly stopped and the whole place went silent as the DJ stepped on the stage. He took his shades off and I thought it was a pretty weird idea to wear them inside at night. "Yo, how y'all feeling tonight?" A roar went through the crowd that made my ears burst.

"Today is a special day," he screamed , "and you know why? It's a special day 'cuz the best singers are in the house! So we gonna do something. We gonna do a singing contest! One on one. Who's gonna be first?"

I realized this was my chance not to pass out and even though I hated singing in front of people I raised my hand. The DJ was scanning the whole place but didn't pick most of the people who raised their hands. When he saw me, he pointed towards my direction and exclaimed. "You there. Yeah, you. Come on here. This'll be interesting."

The crowd parted for me and that's when I began to wonder what I was looking like. My face was probably red and sweating and my hair, a mess. But then again, people here looked worse.

When I stepped on the stage and finally got some oxygen in my brain I realized what I had done. But it was to late to turn back. Stage fright had already taken over me but I got over it when I saw who the second volunteer was. Zayn freaking Malik stood there with a grin on his face.

"You're going to be sorry you ever volunteered," he whispered in my ear "I'll show you what happens to people who mess with me." With that being said my bones turned into dust. I knew that the next step he took wouldn't favour me in anyway.

"We have our very own Zayn Malik battling against er-" the guy lowered his mic and asked me what my name was. "Hazel." I replied.

"Hazel!" He shouted.

The DJ picked a folded piece of paper from a bag. "A thousand years." He read aloud and handed us the mics. I got a glimpse of Annabeth in the crowd who was smiling like crazy and pointing at me to show Percy who I was. A projector displayed the lyrics and Zayn went first.

As much as I hate to say it his voice was pretty impressive. It was that type of voice that made your heart beat at the same rate he was singing, the type that went in your veins and flowed through your body providing every cell with feelings of joy.

I conquered my fear and finally sang in front of a crowd. Within seconds the song was over and the DJ came back on stage. "We haven't had that type of a performance in a while. You guys choose who should win. Cheer at the name of the person you want to wi-" he was interrupted by Zayn.

"Wait," he said, "before any of you make your decision I'd like to give you a few pointers to consider. First, don't vote for people who sing worse than my dog. Second, don't go for people who forget the lyrics to a song mid-way," he glanced at me.

"And third, if you vote for me, I'll make the nerds do your homework for the next four months."

I was dazed. But not in a good way either. Did he just bribe a crowd to vote for him? For a freaking singing competition? He either really hates me, or singing just means a lot to him.

My mouth was still hung agape when the crowd registered his words and started chanting hell boy's name. This really shouldn't matter to me right now but I felt a pang of hurt in my chest.

I decided to give my fierce persona a break for now and silently stepped down the make-shift stage. Unwillingly, tears glossed my eyes but of course, I didn't let any one see. Gathering all the courage I could muster, I looked out at the crowd and saw them cheering for the hell boy jerk himself.

I beckoned Annabeth towards me and she reluctantly left Percy's side to join mine. I bit my toungue to hold back from lashing out on Annabeth for dragging me here. It wasn't her fault anyways. I shoudnt have come to this party. I shouldn't have volunteered for that damned singing competition. What had come over me?  I sighed inwardly for beating myself up about this. I shouldn't be, I know. But I guess my ego was just hurt. Bad.

One last glance towards the irritating dog and I trudged out the door.

But I sure as hell didn't miss that wink.

Yo waddup! Hope you liked the chapter, we squeezed some time out for this because of everything going on in our country so we hope it wasn't too lousy!



Izzy/Mary OUT. PEACE.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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