Chpt.02 The Style Of A Stylist -part 2-

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    Until not long ago, her natural shopping habitat had been shopping centers in times of discounts or trinket markets, but now Regina was walking in the "Millionaire's Row."

    Strolling through the world famous (and expensive) Fifth Avenue in New York was not something particularly unattainable, the real challenge for the common person was to even dream of entering and acquiring something in one of the ultra luxury stores that offered their items at exorbitant prices.

    It was shortly after noon, the radiant sun shone in the "capital of the world" and the glamor that exuded both buildings and people created a heavy feeling in Regina's mind.

    Although her bank account had funds to spare for unbridled shopping in the stores she wanted, the saving nature that managed her style of spending the money for a long time was not going to disappear because she had become very rich.

    It was not surprising that someone who led an ordinary life and suddenly begins to get a lot of money start spending without inhibitions, but for Regina the transition from carefully save every dollar to be able to pay the rent on time to have the ability to spend thousands and thousands in a single day, she still digested it little by little.

    After walking for a while, Regina entered a large building, of course everything from the floor to the lamps gave off elegance, she headed for an elevator and pressed the number 10.

    Her destination was a Japanese-style food restaurant, being someone who had grown up with fast food as a daily menu, the flavors of the different international cuisines said nothing to her and she would always prefer a fatty hamburger than a refined dish of high cuisine, but she didn't go with the intention of having lunch.

    She was there for business.

    Like taken from a movie scene, in the lobby was a beautiful young woman with oriental features, more specifically japanese, dressed in an elegant oriental-style waitress suit, she was talking to a man accompanied by a woman, both dressed as can be expecting from rich and powerful people, the question was simple, they wanted to enter the restaurant but had not made an appropriate reservation.

    Regina entered and at the precise moment that the young waitress noticed her quickly she offered a slight apology to the unhappy and annoying man and hurried towards her,

    - Miss Walls, it is a pleasure to have her today with us -, she gave a bow of japanese style to Regina and then very kindly urged her to move towards the entrance of the restaurant, - did you have a reservation for today? -

    - Thank you, I have no reservation, I just came to give my regards to the chef -

    - I see, then let me guide you -

    Acting as if the man and his companion did not exist, they were left in the lobby while Regina and the waitress entered the restaurant, but if they had turned to look at their expressions they would have seen the red and enraged face of both.

    The name of the restaurant was "MaSsa" and according to the online research that Regina did was the most luxurious and prestigious japanese food restaurant in the west, reservations were needed one month in advance since it only gave attention to 30 customers for once, the menus offered had prices starting at 1500 dollars and other things she had already forgotten, in short, it was a site of the culinary elite.

    As expected, the place was luxury over luxury and the people tasting the 3 Michelin star quality food there looked quite elegant and wealthy, and in sync with the site.

    Regina on the other hand, even the waitress who was escorting her looks much more class and refinement.

    In the past all clients could have looked down on her, and talked offensive things in a low voice, but fortunately in the modern era, defining someone's status just by their appearance is something that was no longer done, so they only looked at her like someone "eccentric", because there were many rich and powerful people who were not worried about the type of clothing they used in their day to day.

    However, what did leave them dumbfounded beyond her sneakers, her simple shirt and jeans was the moment she took a seat, all the people without exception in the room were silent and with looks of astonishment.

    The chef's table, the unsurpassed and prestigious site par excellence where it is the highest honor for a guest to be invited, this restaurant had the reputation of being highly exclusive and also the chef and owner of the place was always in the kitchen, for the press it was practically impossible to approach him and for famous people it was very difficult to get a reservation, so an invitation to the chef's table was something unthinkable according to what all the current clientele knew,

    - Please wait a moment, I will notify the chef that you have come to visit him -

    - Thank you -

    There was a lot of expectation, but they were people with manners, so they didn't do something inappropriate like staring at Regina, but what their elegance couldn't handle was when the kitchen door opened and a man with a plate in each hand came out.

    He walked straight to the table where Regina was and offered her a respectful bow as a greeting, put both dishes before her and then sat down,

    - My wife is very happy and wondered if she could make an appointment on another occasion -

    - Of course, as long as it's not tomorrow, there's no problem -

    - Sounds good, you will send a message, right ?, I will prepare everything, while please try these dishes, it is not yet perfected but it is an idea that I have for the next season's menu, I hope you enjoy them -

    The japanese man in his 50s dressed in white, rose from the table, bowed and returned to the kitchen.

    The best Regina could describe the food she had before her was that it is certainly sushi, this was the third time she came to this restaurant, the first time she felt very out of place, and it was also her first contact with japanese cuisine , again, she could not say that he disliked the flavors but he could not say otherwise, fortunately the chef never asked her opinion, perhaps it was the pride of a professional who was sure of the quality of his work, as well as at some point she stopped asking if the hairstyle or cut she had done was to her client's total pleasure, the chef also felt confident in the dishes he served.

    When she finished eating, instead of a receipt with the bill, Regina received a leather folder, when she opened it she found a sheet of paper identical to the one inside the envelope that had the message she received in the morning, she wrote down numbers using the pen and then closed the folder and left it on the table.

    Regina got up and prepared to leave, when she passed through the lobby she saw that the man and his companion were still there, they still did not give up trying to enter the restaurant, Regina made a small sign with her hand to say goodbye to the waitress, who in turn did a light and quick bow, Regina thought that the waitress should certainly have nerves of steel to endure dealing with insistent people without losing her kind expression.

    In turn, that man with the woman at his side having witnessed everything that had happened in the hall from the lobby murmured at unison,

    - Who could she be? -

    - She is just a stylist -

    Although it was not necessary, the waitress answered that question smiling, while the unhappy couple was left with a blank expression of disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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