!REQUEST! Fto: Sir Ritchie? Mr Brandon?

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Here ya go niamhandme13!

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Here ya go niamhandme13!


Inmo was just walking around, exploring as he had nothing else to do seeing as Boss… left. Inmo did remember Sir Ritchie saying it was only temporary, he really did! It just hurt that Boss didn’t tell him he was leaving, only sent him to help out in the big battle. Someone he saw as an inspiration to get stronger just up and left without a word to him. 

These past few days haven’t been the best. David kicked him out, Boss left, the island was attacked, and Inmo just felt lost. He was happy that Boss left him his own house and a brand new house as well. Although he is kinda salty about his sign being changed, could they not have been more creative? Imno is just lazy and unoriginal!

But yeah, he was just jumping around, trying to clear his head. Who knows, he might find something cool! He jumped around until he found a big, lone mountain. It had a very weird feel to it, a very demonic feel. And that’s why he went to it! He is like a third demon and a slayer so it just made sense to him.

There was a BIG hole in it but it wouldn’t let him in, it was like there was an invisible wall in place. But when did that ever stong him? He is literally a living bomb so it would be easy to just make a… small hole.

And that is exactly what he did! It wasn’t a very big hole, just big enough for him and other human-sized things to get in. He wasn’t even that loud either, which was a surprise all in itself. He walked in and began to look around, wondering what made it feel so demonic.

There were a lot of weird gooey black puddles that gave off a dangerous aura. He might be curious, but he does trust his gut so he didn’t touch the thing. There were also puddles of what he hoped wasn’t blood but smelled like blood. It seemed like some sort of… sacrifice or experiment, Inmo really didn’t want to stay in here any longer.

He was about to head out of the weird hole when he heard two sets of footsteps coming from behind him. “Well well well, look what we have here.” A very familiar voice said from behind him. Another familiar voice responded with, “Oooo~how very interesting.” 

Inmo quickly turned around to face the familiar voices only to see familiar faces. “Mr. Brandon? Sir Ritchie? What are you doing here? And why do you look different?” Inmo asked as he tilted his head in confusion. Sir Ritchie snickered darkly while Mr. Brandon only giggled, an undertone of insanity not well hidden in it.

“Oh, we found this place and decided to check it out, isn’t that right Brother.” Sir Ritchie answered darkly.  Mr. Brandon only giggled in response, looking at Inmo with a look of... hunger. Inmo shivered and backed away from the two, they might look and sound like his guild leaders but they sure didn’t act or feel like them. He didn’t trust them, he wanted out, he wanted to leave NOW!

“O-ok then. I-I was just a-about to leave anyways. Bye!” Inmo stuttered out as he booked it towards the exit. He was just about to get out when the Sir Ritchie faker grabbed his arm and said with a dark smile, “What’s the rush~? Why not stay for dinner?” 

Inmo was scared, so very scared. He wanted Boss, he wanted his real Guild Leaders, he wanted to be at Divinus Magia! He panicked and he suddenly combusted, blowing the dark Ritchie off of him. He jumped out of the mountain and just combustion jumped away swiftly. He just ran without thinking, letting his instincts carry him.

His large ether-nano supply ran out fast and he had to push himself to his limit to make it back to the island. He finally made it back to the island, loudly crashing into the large clearing near the new guildhall. He groaned in pain and exhaustion, black dots surrounding his vision,

A bunch of people ran out of the guest house, probably lured out by the big crash. He couldn’t tell who it was though, his vision too blurry to see from that far. He felt himself being propped up, the yelling and questions mixing together. He opened his eyes to see who had him and it seemed to be… Ritchie.

He panicked, he didn’t mean it, he really didn’t. He didn’t see the differences, he couldn’t comprehend them, too tired to. He blew up, knocking everyone away from him. The fall must have hurt his ribs because when he struggled to get up his ribs hurt a lot. But he did manage to get up and back away from the group, mostly Ritchie and Brandon though. 

“S-stay away! Don’t g-get away” Inmo yelled as he coughed up some blood. Ritchie held up his hand and slowly stepped towards Inmo while he said, “Hey, Inmo it’s me. Your ok, no one is here to hurt you. We just want to help, you’re hurt, scared, and panicking. Please calm down.” 

Richie’s voice sounded so calming unlike the one in the cave. And Brandon then spoke up, “We’re here Inmo, your safe.” Brandon sounded sane and worried, nothing like the cave’s Brandon.” Ritchie finally made it to Inmo, Inmo having stopped moving away halfway through Ritchie’s small speech. 

Inmo’s adrenaline finally ran out and he fell forward into Ritchie’s outstretched arms. The last thing he felt was Ritchie pick him up bridal style before he pasted out, finally feeling safe and sound.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this! This is a little different from the usual fluffy one-shots so I hope i got the tone right. See you next chapter, bye my little maple leaves!

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