Christmas Love

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The guilds were all having a party where they had the GMG party. There was alcohol, presents, snow, candy, Christmas trees, and even more alcohol! It was a party everyone could enjoy, even the antisocial Grimshade. 

Inmo was hanging out with his Boss and Brandon, scheming with mistletoe. "This is going to be so much fun!" Inmo whispered to his two partners in crime. Bjorn chuckled as he patted his adopted son's head, "Yes, I'm sure this will be very entertaining." Brandon nodded with a smile and said, "We will make all the ships sail." 

Their first target was Bryan and Jakey who were near the food table. Inmo decided to take this job, explosion jumping onto the support beams near the ceiling and attached the Mistletoe to a fishing pole. He lowered the string until it was visibly over the couple.  

Neither Jakey or Bryan noticed the mistletoe until Brandon said, “Look at that, Jakey and Bryan are under the mistletoe.” Bryan and Jakey looked up and blushed as everyone else, except some of the more quiet ones, started to chant, “Kiss kiss kiss kiss!” 

Jakey covered his face with his hands as Bryan said, “Oh, I shut you all up!” And with that Bryan took Jakey’s hands into his own and kissed Jakey on the lips. Everyone cheered and Inmo winked at Bjorn and Brandon who chuckled as they watched him jump back to the floor.

The next victim/ship was Micheal and Ritchie who were on the dance floor. This was Brandon’s job this time, he took the fishing pole from Inmo and flew over the dancing duo. “Look! Mr. Zombie and Sir Ritchie are under the mistletoe too!”

Ritchie and Micheal looked up to see the mistletoe and Brandon, who winked at the two. Ritchie pouted at Brandon before Micheal wrapped his arms around Ritchie’s waist and kissed him. Ritchie wrapped his arms around Micheal’s neck, kissing him back. 

“Merry Christmas love~,” Micheal said as Ritchie blushed brightly. Brandon flew back over to Inmo and gave him a high-five. “Nice!” Inmo said as he hugged Brandon, Brandon blushing slightly.

The two began to scheme about who to mistletoe next when David called out, “Well would you look at that! The Boss and Inmo are under the mistletoe now.” Both Inmo and Brandon’s eyes widened as they looked up, Bjorn over them with the mistletoe fishing pole.

“Payback!” Bryan called out as Jakey giggled. “I mean, I ship it though,” Ritchie said as he and Micheal cuddled. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” The crowd chanted as Inmo and Brandon blushed brightly.

Inmo began to stutter nonsense before Brandon grabbed Inmo and flew up, out of everyone’s sight. Brandon hugged Inmo close to him as snow flurried down onto them. “Sorry about that, I panicked,” Brandon said as He pulled a shivering Inmo closer to his warm chest.

Inmo giggled as he wrapped his arms around Brandon’s neck. “Its fine, It is so beautiful out here,” Inmo said as Brandon softly smiled at Inmo. “Not as beautiful as you~,” Brandon said as he put their foreheads together. 

Inmo blushed and said, “T-Thanks Brandon, I-I love you.” Brandon connected their lips as it snowed around them. It was a scene neither would forget, a Christmas love.


Happy Christmas and a Merry Holiday!

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