!REQUEST! FTO- Inmo Protection squad

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I have finished it my friend! Hope you enjoy Ashl0390!

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I have finished it my friend! Hope you enjoy Ashl0390!


Inmo was just finishing up a B-rank mission, having a few scratches here and there. But even though he barely had any injuries he was very low on ether-nano at the moment, using it up on the mission. Inmo had to defeat and capture a rogue mage who decided that being good was overrated and being bad was a good idea. Said mage was now passed out with his legs tied together and his hands cuffed.

Inmo panted as he laid on the ground next to the mage, tired and ready to pass out right at that moment. “I *pant* don’t think Mr. Brandon and Sir Ritchie would mind if I take a small nap. What do you this Mr. Mage?” Inmo asked playfully, not expecting a response. “Oh my, look at that brother. The little half-demon is talking to an unconscious person, and they call us crazy~,” An evil sounding voice said, making Inmo jump up to see where the voice came from. 

A person who looks very similar to Sir Ritchie stood in front of him, giving the tired Inmo a dark smirk. “Wha-” was all Inmo was able to say as a hand covered both his nose and mouth, a sweet-smelling cloth in said hand. Inmo struggled against the hand but the smell soon got stronger and his mind became foggy. The last thing he heard was, “This is going to be so fun~” 


It has been 2 days since Inmo went on that mission and the whole guild has been tense. Whether it was from Bjorn’s many death glares, Kit, Tapio, and Boat’s annoyed sighs, David’s more annoying than usual ‘jokes’, or Ritchie, Brandon, and Mario’s growls, the whole island was a bomb ready to go off.

What’s the reason for this you may ask? Well, it’s because of Inmo disappearance. Sure he was annoying sometimes but he was just so pure and adorably innocent. They missed their small and were beginning to get worried about him. He should be back by now seeing as the mission was defeating one dark mage with not too strong magic, it was a B rank mission after all.

The guild leaders, and Bjorn, decided that enough was enough. They did try to let Inmo handle this mission on his own but 2 days was way too long. They called a meeting and told everyone to come to the guildhall if they want to help find Inmo. To say that everyone, except for Tapio and the missing Inmo, made it there in record time would be an understatement.

"Ok, so I say that when we find Inmo, we punish him for worrying us!" David said, Ritchie, seeming to agree with that plan. "Let’s not be too hasty, he might have a valid reason for not coming back yet." Brandon tried to reason as Bjorn just gave David a death glare. "Touch him and I'll make you regret ever breathing." Bjorn threatened, David instantly backing down and whimpering out a quiet sorry.

"Guys guys, I found a note! It was kinda hidden in the garden. Wanna read it?" Tapio said as he swiftly ran into the guildhall, going towards the twins. Ritchie and Brandon looked at each other, Ritchie shrugging as he said, "I mean, if it was hidden in the garden then it might be important. I'll give it a quick read."

Ritchie took the note and started to read it, gripping the paper tighter with each sentence he read. Ritchie was shaking in anger by the time he finished it, yelling "INMO WAS KIDNAPPED BY THE GARDEN!" Everyone froze as they processed what was just said. "Inmo… was taken? By the bad guys!?!?" Kit exclaimed as Bjorn pulled out his axe.

He then spoke in a scarcely calm voice, "Let’s go now. We need to teach the Garden -not- to mess with Divinus Magia unless they want to die themselves." Ritchie began to darkly chuckle as Brandon cracked his knuckles, "Oh, that's a lovely idea!" Ritchie said happily as Mario began to walk out the door. "What's the hold-up, let’s go." The Guild walked out of their hall, going to find the current location of the Garden.


It didn't take long for them to find the location of the Garden. I mean, 8 people all looking for one very noticeable island that forcefully held their bean? The Garden didn't stand a chance, no chance at all.

No one seemed to be on the island currently, just empty and quiet. That silence was soon broken by a loud scream of pain, a scream that sounded very familiar. Bjorn was running towards the source of the scream the second it was heard, everyone else following after him. 

Bjorn body-slammed the door open only to see both of their guild leader’s counterparts next to a bleeding Inmo. Inmo looked at them with tears in his eyes and when he saw them he whimpered out a quiet, “Please… help.” And with that, the guild’s vision went red as they began to beat the evil counterparts.

Once both of them were beaten to near-death Brandon and Bjorn ran over to the injured Inmo. Brandon began to use his magic to heal his major injuries while Bjorn was breaking his bindings. Ritchie then started to give the other members their own tasks. 

“David and Boat, you go take these two to Bri’s prison and feel free to make the trip painful. Kit and Tapio, go get some medical supplies and bring them to the infirmary. Mario, go tell your brothers to tell their leaders that Divinus Magia won't be having any guest over for a bit. I'm sure Bri will be able to tell Silver.”

Each of them saluted and went off to complete their given tasks. Ritchie sighed as he looked back to Inmo, who's major injuries were mostly healed up. He was now currently being gently cradled in Bjorn's arms, sleeping peacefully. They all looked at each other with a look of shared relief. They finally had their explosion mage back and they didn't plan to let him get hurt like this ever again.


It has been a few days since Inmo was found and he didn't know how to feel. Sure it felt nice to see that his guild really cared for him but… well… they've been a little overprotective. He was thankful for all they've done to help him! It's just they could be a little, very, overbearing.

Inmo wasn't allowed to take any jobs without someone else and if it was one that involved fighting of any kind. Not only that but he couldn't even get a second alone! It was as if they had a schedule for who was on Inmo watching duty next. 

There was even one time where Bryan tried to visit him to see how he was doing. They were joking around and playfully insulting each other until Bryan gave Inmo a very soft punch on the arm, a punch he barely even felt. But when it happened Boat came up out of nowhere with Mr. Brandon!

Boat started to shoot balls of water at the fire dragon slayer as Brandon used his healing magic on the area Bryan "punched", which was a waste of energy in Inmo's honest opinion. After that moment no one was able to get 3 feet near him without the rest of the guild sending death glares their way.

There was a bright side to all this protectiveness though! Inmo was able to get lots of cuddles from everyone, even David and the pebble brain! Whenever Inmo looked even a bit tired he was pulled either next to someone, on their lap, or into their chest. 

Kit, Mario, and Tapio tended to pull him next to them, Kit letting Inmo rest his head on her shoulder, Mario laying Inmo's head on his lap, and Tapio just curling into his side and napping with him. Bjorn was the only one to pull Inmo onto his lap, laying Inmo's head on his chest as Bjorn runs his fingers softly through his hair. David, Boat, Ritchie, and Brandon were the ones who pulled Inmo into their chest, letting him lay on their chests as he slept.

It took a few weeks before Inmo was able to start training again and about a month until he was able to take jobs that included fighting. He still currently had to have someone go on the mission with him but this was progress! The cuddles didn't stop either and it was probably the only good thing that came from that kidnapping. 

Little did Inmo know that there was an Inmo protection squad currently being made with all of Divinus Magia and even some people from other guilds joined. 

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