- Chapter 1 -

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Warning - Swearing

"I'm going to need you to lock up, Kennedy" My boss says. "I thought you were staying late tonight" I reply "Family issue back home, I'll be sure to give you a raise! Thanks."

My boss leaves just like that, it was a classic saying of his, I work on minimum wage many long hours and on top of that I have to pay college fees and I'm staying in an apartment on the shit side of San Fransisco which means I hate locking up because I have already been robbed twice in the past 3 months.

I lock up the shop and walk fast avoiding eye contact with people on the street. Someone grabs my arm and pulls me into an alley way I start screaming them they point a gun at my head "Shut up"

I accept that anything could happen right now, fully knowing he wants more than my money. He pushes me on the floor I hit my head pretty hard.

"Get the fuck off her asshole" Robin himself was standing right in the alleyway and the guy immediately ran off. Robin gives me his hand "Thank you so much" I give him a hug "Sorry" "You're welcome but what are you doing here so late?" "I work late so I was walking home."

"Please be careful next time" "I will, I will! Thank you so much I can't imagine what would have happened" "It's best not to. Be safe I hope to see you again but not I'm this situation" he smiles and walks away then suddenly vanishes.

I walk home being extra careful. "Wait. Was he flirting with me?" I mutter to myself with a smile. I lay in bed in shock that Robin just saved my life.

A week had gone past and all my coworkers I told were so amazed that he saw me considering he usually fights villains and doesn't usually save people in danger. It was another Friday night and I of course had to work late and lock up even though I had told my boss what happened last time.

I was considering calling an Uber but I checked my bank account I don't have enough money for that. So I walk looking through every alleyway, walking fast past them.

I hear footsteps behind me I look behind me at a man following behind me I pray this guy is just walking home from work or something. The footsteps get faster as I get faster then he grabs my purse and runs off around the corner.

"Of course that would happen to me" the one time I have my phone in my purse. "Give it back. Or I will kick your ass" I hear a familiar voice around the corner "It's mine!" "Somehow I don't believe you" I hear a crack and I run around the corner to see Robin standing there with my purse and the guy lying in a pool of his blood.

"I said stay safe" "I know I can't really help it, I don't have money for a car or to Uber everywhere. I go to college! That shit is expensive" "I'll walk you home" "Are you sure you have time for that?" "I'm sure. Villains haven't really been doing much lately." He walks me home "Be safe, we will see each other when I'm not fighting crime for you." I laugh "Okay thank you."

"This probably sounds like a joke but Robin saved me again last night" "Are you for real" "Of course I am. This guy took my purse and then he beat his ass." "This dude has a crush on you for sure" My coworker Lindsey says. "There are customers waiting." My manager says "Its alright I got it."

I go to the front of the restaurant and see two boys and a girl, one with green hair and the other with beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. The girl had purple hair and a gem stuck to her head, it is so pretty. "Hi guys, can I help you?" "Can we please get a table for three?" The boy with brown eyes says with a smile "Of course"

I find them a table and the more I look at the boy with the brown hair the more he looks familiar. "Once your ready just call me over" I say. The boy just stares at me I turn around and walk the other way with a smile

"Jason do not stare at her" the girl says "She's so gorgeous." I hear as I walk over to Lindsey "Does he look familiar to you? The one with brown hair" "No not at all but he's really cute." "I know right."

"Anyway tell me the rest of your story" "Oh yeah where was I?" "He gave the purse back" "Oh yeah."

"She's talking about me" Jason says. "Jason, she doesn't know that's you" "So! She is still talking about me" "If I got saved by Robin twice I would be as well."

"He walked me home" "So is he hot?" "I didn't see why he looks like underneath the mask." "I bet you he's really hot" "Okay then, Lindsey" "What? You don't think so?" "Well yes" she laughs "I thought so" "Girls! Back to work" my manager says. "Yes I'm sorry." I get up and walk over.

"So are you ready to order?" I ask and the boy orders first. I give the order to the chef and stand at the front with Lindsey, he keeps making eye contact with me.

"He likes you, I think you should ask for his number" "Lindsey I'm working. I can't!" "I won't tell if you don't" "Lindsey, no."

I bring out their food. After they finish they leave and he smiles at me on the way out. I grab the bill, there's a $200 tip in there and the boys name and number. "Buy yourself something nice and some money for an Uber. Here's my number I hope you text me. -Jason Todd.

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