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It is the year 2030. There is alarm sounds going on everywhere and everyone's phone's are going off, saying "The last animal has died, I repeat the last animal has died, the world is dying" and from that everyone went into panic and are running everywhere, calling family and saying goodbye while the people who tried to warn everyone, the vegans, yelling "I told you so" and "you should have listened". The rich people are climbing aboard specially made spaceships to send them to mars and maybe even beyond. The government is also in panic and has no idea what to do, the government has basically disbanded because they too have decided to leave. The world is going to change forever. Someone has to step up and Madison Crystal decided to. She has found a megaphone and stands up on the fountain. She says "everyone calm down, we can survive and just listen to me and I can show you how". She then explains how humanity has to basically start over and now can only eat plants and how to eat properly.

There will have to be population control she says and how we will still try and keep our normal lives. Things will get strict and education and people working different jobs will be important, anyone who has important medical issues need to still be treated and we will still try to stay liberal and not go savage. Everyone listens and follows what she says. This is happening everywhere. What everyone is wondering is what will happen to their lives?, what will they do?, will electricity stay on? and will they survive? What the real question is that everyone should be asking is what will happen to this world and the plants and our whole ecosystem? Animals keep everything in balance and keep everything in control and without them, well nobody knows what will happen without them.

What will happen to the government, will it still be alive, Madison crystal lives in Canada but what about the other countries and what they plan to do, will all the countries do their own thing or will one take over, everyone is scared and all these questions are looming in their head. The Canadian government holds a private(no press) emergency meeting and all the ministers of Canada and our representatives meet up, even the province leaders come together to make up a plan. The prime minister of Canada Charlotte Anderson comes up with the idea to hold a press conference that will broadcast over the world saying that Canada should lead this fight and help everybody come together to regain life and after everything is in order again and is stable, we will go back to each countries way of life, they will still be able to speak their language because we will have interpreters and you still can have your culture but the way you normally do things will change for the greater good.

The prime minister then holds it and says what she said she was going to say at the emergency meeting and asks all the countries around the world to call he office to say if they agree or not and if they don't, give a plan on what they think we should do. Nobody else had a plan, so all the countries went with this idea.

From this point on, All the countries on earth, 'for the time being', were to be called dominions of Canada followed by what their were called before. All wars and ongoing issues in politics were cancelled and life was ceased to be what it was before, everything could go right or wrong, nobody knows what will happen next, but in times of crisis the prime minister of Canada brought hope, her now official name is president of the world and even royal families were cancelled, who knows what will happen next but now none is looking at the future, they are focusing on the present moment and what to do for the best right now.

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