Chapter 6

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Hadrian- my first potion lesson was amazing I got all the answers right and go points well that happens in other lessons but Snape is on of my godparents, so yeah. I walk out books in hand Lucifer is not with me because he had to take the Longbottom kid to the medwing because he throw something in the boy's cauldron and didn't really get rolled off for it just had to take him there really.

Ron- "hello Harry" I run over walking next to the boy "would you like to play chess or talk about quidditch with me"

Hadrian- "why would I play fucking chess it's so easy and boring I rather read hank very much and as for quidditch I would never play it rather spend better time"

Ron- "oh come, why not talk about flying class"

Hadrian- "I won't be taking them"

Ron- "why only kids with who haven't signed up or have medical reasons"

Hadrian- "I didn't sigh up also I do have medical reason thank you very much"

Ron- "really, what do you have

Hadrian- "I am not saying"

Ron- "liar" I grab his books running

Hadrian- I run after him we got as far as the outside, I feel my chest hurt I feel like I can't breath everything is dizzy I drop to the floor hearing people but what everyone was saying was a blur, as I lay there shaking then black.


Hadrian- light shade back in, I find my self in a bed in the medwing, I slowly sit up "hello" I croak out loudy. I hear people moving more towards where I was, the medwitch, Snape, Lucifer, Draco, Blaise, Daphne and Tracey "what's happening"

Poppy- I walk over smiling "Mr Potter what you had started off being an Asthma attack turning into a seizure, why didn't you tell anyone you had Asthma or Epilepsy"

Hadrian- "because normally I have everything under control, I haven't had a Seizure since eight months ago and a Asthma attack around five months ago or so, so I didn't really think I would be having one anytime soon the only other people that ever know about my Asthma, Epilepsy and others where my dead family, the doctor and Loki"

Severus- "what other things do you have"

Hadrian- "all together just have Asthma, Epilepsy, Anxiety where anxiety attack and panic attack and that can happen alot and Autism that's all"

Poppy- "that's all! Seriously Mr Potter you were supposed to have your teachers and me know what medical reason you have!"

Hadrian- I cover my eyes "why you shouting at me, I don't like when people shout at me" I start to feel my chest tighten

Severus- I rush over to touch him

Lucifer- "he doesn't like people touching him because when people do they cause pain even the person he lost virginity too..." I realised what I was saying "opps"

Poppy- "wait he's too virginity too but he's too young isn't is against the law unless you found your life mate!?"

Lucifer- "he had to fall in love with a pedo who liked kids from ten and under, the person was sixteen when they did it and soon broke up and the person grow up to be the same"

Severus- I was helping Hadrian to breath "where is the fucking bastard!"

Lucifer- "dead heart ripped out, was found down an alley with a note about what he did and why the person killed him"

Severus- I looked at Hadrian connecting the dots to his family deaths to him before looking at Lucifer telepathically connect on to Hadrian also 'guess I am not the only person in hogwarts that killed'

Lucifer- 'you don't know the first of it, I used to punish people for what they did'

Severus- my eyes widen before controlling my emotions 'satan's

Lucifer- 'I like to be called the devil or Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar'

Severus- I chuckle through the connection 'of course, nothing like a Potter to team up with the Devil'

Lucifer- 'if this happens again and I am not here make sure to look after him for me, he is a son to me'

Hadrian- 'and your a father to me'

Severus- 'I will protect Hadrian no matter what happens after all I did do a vow to protect him even if it means my death, the night his mother died'

Hadrian- 'you where in love with her weren't you'd

Severus- 'not in the way you think it, I saw her as a sister to me'

Hadrian- I hum 'understandable'

Severus- I say out loud "out calmed down now"

Hadrian- I nod "yeah I am okay now, thank you"

Molly- I charm right in with Arthur, ginny the twins, Percy, Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore behind me "oh good your alright" I turn to glare at Ron "you say sorry young man"

Ron- "I am sorry"

Hadrian- "your not forgiven"

Ron- "oh come on I apologised what else do you want!"

Hadrian- "for to stay away from me all week you have been stalking me all the time seriously back away, I told you a billions times I don't want to be your friend!"

Dumbledore- "come on Harry.."

Hadrian- "Hadrian"

Dumbledore- "Ron just wants to be your friend, he is a big fan of your"

Hadrian- "I don't want fans or anything to do with Voldemort and how he killed my parents, great now I'm the bloody saviour and for another thing he grabbed my thing like a thief does and I end having an Asthma attack and Seizure all because I said chess is easy and boring I rather read, that quidditch I would never play it I would rather send better time and I said I won't be taking flying class he went and called me a liar about me having medical problems, so no I would never be his friend even if you try and make me" good job I have a bracelet where it protects me from potions, charms and spells. I watch the walk out seeing the twins mouth 'sorry'



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