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Marley doesn't talk to Nero for the next few days. He can only assume the guy told everyone else about their conversation. Nero hasn't made an effort to talk to him either, thank god, and they sleep in separate beds. It sucks in general, since Marley is freezing cold and nothing he does helps it. It's after a week, when things have gone back to boring, that Marley decides to do what Rellik told him to and go to resident services after lunch. At this point, he would take being burnt alive.

"Prince Marley," Desk Lady greets in her monotone voice and dull clothing. Marley does his best to smile at her, but his life hasn't been going well lately so it probably looks terrifying.

"Hi. So, do you have anything that I can use to warm up?"

She blinks. "We have several blankets in the residency maintenance closet."

Marley shakes his head. "No, I mean, do you have anything that like... radiates heat? Like a furnace?"

"We have no furnaces."

Oh my god. "It doesn't have to be a furnace," Marley says. He feels impatient and he's trying his hardest to keep his voice from showing it. It's proving to be quite a feat.

She blinks at him, unimpressed. Marley momentarily contemplates just storming out of there and never coming back. Maybe he could find a fireplace somewhere around here and just camp out there. Forever.

"I can give you a candle, but no lighter."

What? What in the world is he gonna use that for?

"I'll take it," Marley smiles. How the hell is he gonna light it if she won't give him a lighter? What is this? Some kind of joke? Is this some sort of prank? Maybe when Marley was shot, it was just a paintball gun. Maybe all the people here are actors. Any second now his mom's gonna drop from the ceiling and tell him how he got pranked.

Marley notices that Desk Lady is holding out a candle. He takes it without making eye contact and sluggishly walks out of the office. He clutches both the blanket and the unscented candle to his chest, before making his way back to his room. He'd gone straight to the office after lunch, and he still doesn't feel satisfied. How is he going to light this? No way is he talking to Nero, not after their weird conversation. Marley told him too much.

Marley walks up the staircase until he hits his floor, but as he's walking past one of the rooms, he hears a familiar voice.

"Mom, I know, it's just me and Marley—we're friends."

Marley stops outside the door, as one would be expected to do once they hear their name. He frowns, examining the side of the door to see who lives here, even though he already knows.

Leilani Reagan, it says outside the door. Along with her roommate's name underneath; Kara Stoltz.

Huh. What's going on in there? Why is she talking about him? He walks closer to the door and presses his ear against it. After a few moments he hears her again. "Yeah, but I already told him I'm ace. Because I am. I don't want a relationship and I don't think he does either."


Marley presses his ear further and can finally make out the voice on the other end.

"-know how much his money could help us. He could get you out of there! Wasn't that the plan from the start? What happened?"

"I just want to be friends. I can ask him for favors later. Please don't make me do that."

Marley blinks. Favors? What is going on here?

"No! You're going to do everything you can to be queen and to help me get out of this dump, I don't care what it takes! You aren't a fucking ace or asexual or whatever the hell you're talking about. You already left me, you will do what I tell you to."

Atelo [MXM] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now