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Names: Leigh-Anne Faith

Surname: Blakes

Age: 22

Birthday:14 April

Height: Quite tall (I suck at measurements)

Occupation: Part-time DJ and full time Marketing Manager

Qualifications: BA in Marketing, LLB in Criminal Law and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Hobbies: Listening to music, playing Softball, Lip syncing, Shower Singing and collects Madam & Eve comics.

Residence: Cape Town, South Africa

Siblings: 2 younger sisters (Nina and Sharon)

Parents: Julia Blakes (Mother), Zacharia Blakes (Absent Father)

Cousins: Riley, Cornelius and Chris

Life Story:

Leeyah grew up in the Cape Flats, the poorest part of Western Cape, with her mother and her two sisters. Leeyah was very intelligent and she still is. She completed school at the age of 13 and finished University at age 19. She is an out and proud lesbian. She sometimes give motivational talks to schools all over South Africa. A party is not complete without a set from DJ LeeYah!


Heya! So this whole book is the brain child of @Naledzani she deserves all the credit for this idea. This wont be a long book, just thought I should put it out there. Uhm, if you have ideas for this book I would love to hear them. I'll try to update regularly. Until next time, stay strong. :') xx

Mmapetja Leshilo



Snapchat: Petjazana

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