Chapter four

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"The day began, and Steve eagerly jumped out of bed as he prepared himself for the adventure that would take place today. He fixed himself a quick bite to eat and headed to Chance, and as he did, he wondered how long this job would take. He was eager to explore and do work, sure, but he wanted time to himself too.
He entered Chance and went inside the weapons shop. Wendy was there, and she smiled as she saw Steve come in. "Just in time. I have the details set up." She handed Steve a slip of paper. It had instructions on where to go and told him to present this to the people who had gathered the materials for her. On the bottom, it had her signature, which looked better than anything Steve could write. "There is no time limit, but I'd like to have them before sunset, if that's okay with you. It should only take a few hours though."
Steve nodded and grabbed the slip of paper, putting it into his pocket. Wendy also handed him a bottle. "Here, it's filled with water. In case you get thirsty. There's also a clean stream close by[...]""and managing to do some pretty cool swings. But he accidentally broke his parents' window while playing with it too roughly, so that was the end of his sword. Now that he was grown up, Steve realized that he had to relearn the sword, this time with a blade that was actually sharp.
Steve left Chance and looked at the letter. Directly north from here, about a few miles, there was a mine where the weapons shop got the materials from. That was where Steve would meet the people up at. He set off, but not before practicing with his sword a little bit. Steve swung it around in different directions, trying to get the feel for it again. The sword was a delicate thing that needed to be swung properly, so he did that while walking. He ran into a tree and decided that it would make good practice. He put everything down and started attacking the tree from its side. The sword was actually sharp, and it cut through the trunk easily. The tree fell down, and Steve continued on. His practice was cut short, no pun intended, but at least he was getting the hang of[...]"great. Better than any other kind of water, that was for sure. Now he had to continue on. It had been a few hours, and all he wanted to do was to get the materials and head back and get paid.
He eventually ran into a man covered in rags who was sitting on a rock. He had long, scraggly white hair and a flowing white beard. He stood up, holding himself up with a cane. "Where are you going, sonny?" the old man asked.
"I'm going to get some materials and bring them back to the weapons shop," Steve said. "Why you ask?"
"Just curious. I'm just sitting here, thinking about life, and am curious to know what other travelers are up to. The mine is close, however, so I wish you all of the luck."
Steve nodded and continued on, thinking that the old man, while harmless, was a bit off his rocker. Oh well, the mine was coming up soon, and Steve was glad that his journey was almost halfway over. He saw the ground change from grass to stone and then saw a gated place that had a tall iron fence surrounding it. He could[...]""Steve picked up the bag in exchange for the paper. It was heavy, but it also was somewhat easy to carry, though he'd probably be worn down when everything was over with. Steve thanked the man and carried the sack outside, and as he did, he walked down the path to Chance.
On the way, he encountered the old man sitting on the rock again. "Got anything good in there?" he asked.
"Oh yeah, tons of gold and diamonds. I'm heading back n-"
Steve felt steel pressing against his neck. "Oh no, you aren't. This is mine."
Steve felt the bag he was carrying get lifted off of him, and then the steel was gone. When he turned around, Steve saw the old man was carrying it, a dagger in his hand. The old man grabbed his long beard and pulled it off, revealing that it was fake. He then pulled off his hair, revealing that it was a wig. His posture straightened up, and he no longer looked feeble but instead like a man still fairly young. His hair was tied back in a blonde ponytail, and his rags were taken off, revealing the green tunic underneath them[...]"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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