Chapter Eighteen - Raid Preparations

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After receiving their mission, the Akatsuki gather their equipment and travel to the warehouse where Wrath was hiding. Sasori uses his Kazekage puppet to scout out the warehouse. 

Nagato: Anything Sasori?

Sasori: The warehouse is surrounded with guards at all sides. Looks like the information was accurate. 

Nagato: All right. We'll wait till sundown. Everyone get ready. 

As the Akatsuki waited for sundown, Deidara spoke with Itachi and Kisame.

Deidara: So how does Momo and your old man feel about this?

Itachi: They have their reservations about this, but they respect it. They know the importance of this mission. What about you? How does Kendo feel about this?

Deidara: You know Kendo. She didn't want me to go, but she didn't try to stop me. She knew it wouldn't work. 

Kisame: Well aren't you just a lover boy! I knew you and Itachi had some common ground!

Deidara: Shut up! 

After that, Sasori joined the conversation. He sat down as he made some adjustments to the Kazekage puppet. 

Sasori: It's a shame we didn't fight one another at the Sports Festival. What a display it would've been. 

Itachi: Perhaps you'll get your fight once this is over. I would very much like to see my Sharingan go against your puppets.

Sasori: I'll hold you to it. 

Meanwhile, Kakuzu looked around the warehouse using his binoculars while Hidan was laying on his back. 

Hidan: The fuck are you doing Kakuzu?! The puppet guy already told us what we needed to know!

Kakuzu: I'm trying to see if there's anyone down there that's worth something. I'm pretty sure some of these guys may have bounties on their heads.

Hidan: What a goddamn surprise! You're always thinking about money! Money this! Bounties that! You know Jashin looks down upon greed?

Kakuzu: Do I look like I care about your God? 

Hidan scoffs Kakuzu's comments as he gets up. He looks upon his Jashin pendent and begins praying to it. 

Hidan: Oh mighty Jashin! I shall make these blood sacrifices in your name! Grant me the strength to carry out your holy will! I will praise your name as I offer you these sacrifices! 

Hidan proudly praised Jashin while polishing his Three Bladed Scythe. Kakuzu simply ignored Hidan's prayer as he continued to scout out for any bounties. Meanwhile, Nagato and Konan reflected on the mission ahead of them.

Konan: So this is it? Our chance to capture Wrath and end his plot.

Nagato: Yes Konan. 

Konan: Do you think their ready for this? Do you think the Akatsuki is ready to take this undertaking?

As Konan asked that, Nagato looked around the camp and looked upon the different members of the Akatsuki. It seemed so long ago that it was just him, Konan and Yahiko. 

Nagato: Hard to believe we're here now. Not too long ago it was just you, me and Yahiko. 

Upon hearing that, Konan felt sorrow as she thought about her old friend. She revisited memories of the three of them pursuing their dreams to become Heroes.

Konan: If only Yahiko was here to see this moment. He'd be so proud.....

Nagato: I know Konan. But now we're here. Everything we've worked for has led us to this. This is our chance to become the Heroes Yahiko wanted us to be. 

Konan: I'm ready Nagato. 

Nagato: Once the sun sets, we'll review the plan and begin the assault. 

As the Akatsuki waited for the sun to set, little did they know that they were being scouted by Kidomaru. He then returns to the warehouse and reports to Wrath. 

Kidomaru: It looks like your spies were right. Hellsing's sent a strike team to intercept you. Itachi Aizawa is among them. 

Wrath: Good. Very good.

Kimimaro: Shall we attack?

Wrath: No. Let them attack. They cannot stop what is to come. As for you my disciples, you are to retreat to our other hideout.

Kimimaro: We will not leave you! We will not leave your side!

Wrath: Do not fear Kimimaro. I want to personally test Itachi. I want to see how much stronger his Sharingan has become since our last battle. 

Kimimaro: Very well master. If that is your wish, then we will follow without hesitation. 

Wrath: Do not fear Kimimaro. All will be set in motion. 

As Kimimaro and the rest of the Disciples of Wrath exit the warehouse via an underground tunnel. Wrath then walks to his throne and sits in it. He smiles of the battle to come. 

Wrath: Come Itachi. Come face your destiny. 

As Wrath relished in the battle ahead, night fell. Nagato gathered the rest of the Akatsuki to review the plan. 

Nagato: Do you all remember the plan? 

The Akatsuki nodded in agreement. 

Nagato: All right everyone. This is it. We must do whatever we can to capture Wrath. We need to uncover what he's planning. Get into positions. Wait on my mark. 

As the Akatsuki prepared to get into position, Itachi is stopped by Nagato.

Itachi: Is something wrong?

Nagato: I need to know that you'll do everything in your power to capture him. I understand your desire for justice for what happened to your mother, but we need him alive.

Itachi took a moment to think on Nagato's words. This mission was his opportunity to avenge his mother. But then he remembered that the last time he blindly pursued revenge nearly killed him. 

Itachi: I understand. I will do everything I can to bring him alive. 

As Itachi said this, he joined Kisame in their position for the attack. Nagato would wait for the right time to begin the raid to capture Wrath by any means necessary.  

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