Chapter 4

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Astrid's POV

I was determined for my ship to sail by the end of the night so I walked up to Theo. "Hey...I need about something with you in a a couple minutes meet me in the bathroom." I said acting as sad as I could without being obvious. I then went over and said the same to Sunny without Theo noticing. I then walked towards the bathrooms and hid behind the door to them and waited.

Theo's POV

I was concerned about Astrid so I went to the bathrooms but I couldn't see her. "Astrid?" I said but no reply. I looked in the stalls, then someone walked in. I looked round to see who, but it was Sunny. As soon as we noticed each other the door slammed and locked. Astrid was snickering behind the door. "I'm not letting you out till you act like sensible humans!" She shouted. I sighed and sat on the side of the sinks. "Uhh..." I didn't really say anything. "I mean your not being that sensible so..." I mumbled. Sunny smiled a bit. "This is slightly awkward.." Sunny said. I smiled back at her "yup." I said. "Nevermind it's very awkward...I'm actually gonna kill Astrid after this I swear.." I mumbled. "I know how to get out of here y'know..unless you wanna talk about it?" Sunny said, more like asked. "Well..I don't really know what to say so.." I looked at my feet. "How bout I break us out of here and we figure it out when it's not forced?" Sunny said chuckling a bit at my awkwardness. I nodded and Sunny unlocked the door..somehow...I kicked it open and ran out to find and possibly kill Astrid "ASTRIIIIID!!" I shouted pointing at her and she froze up and hid behind a confused Orla. "Astrid what did you do--?" Orla said internally facepalming. "Uhh.. stuff" Astrid said smiling nervously. I ran over to her and slid on the floor trying to stop. Orla was confused, Sunny was somewhere I don't know where, Astrid was terrified, Sofia was either gonna help or watch in amusement. But Bear hugged me because that was practically the only way to hold me down. Also I love hugs so y'know I didn't mind. "Alrightttt calm downnnn" Bear said actually managing to stop me doing whatever I was gonna do. Astrid stepped forward and cleared her throat "uh.. sorry? I'm actually not that sorry but I value your friendship though so.." she said nervously. I sighed and looked around the room. "Hey where'd Sunny go?" I asked and people either shrugged or said they don't know. I went and talked to people, the thought of where Sunny is not leaving my mind. "CHILDRENNN!" I heard sunny scream. "Gather for I have some news to tell-eth" she said with a smirk on her face. "I am pleased to announce that I shall be remaining in England until.. actually probably forever" Sunny said smiling proudly. Everyone else was cheering and I was just smiling and being the calm one for once. Someone punched my shoulder, probably Astrid as she spoke to me afterwards but I didn't see her. "You know what that means" she said winking at me. I went a little red "GROUP HUG TACKLE!!" I heard Bear scream. I probably would've made a bigger deal over what Astrid said if bear hadn't said that. Everyone squished Sunny as it was a few more than one or two people. "Can't... breathe.." Sunny mumbled reaching her only free hand up. Everyone got up and helped Sunny of the floor. Sunny's mother went back to helping bear's dad cook. "WAIT--" Sunny shouted. "What?" I asked and she smirked. "Astrid and Orla don't have nicknames!" She shouted. I gasped "well Astrid's is easy!" I said and Astrid looked concerned. "Cupid, easy" Me and Sunny said at the same time. Astrid facepalmed while everyone else laughed. "And...for Orla...well......How about Nemo?" Sunny said. "Why Nemo?" I asked. She shrugged "just reminds me of her hair" She said smiling. Everyone was being crazy and hyper till around 10:30pm and they started to head home. Astrid and Orla got picked up by orla's mum and Sofia walked about half way and got picked up by her dad. My mum was on her way and I was waiting by the door, very unbelievably tired. I heard my mum's car pull up and went to go out the door. "Hey Theo?" Sunny said before I'd fully opened the door. "Yeah?" I responded and Sunny kissed my cheek "Cya round Pterodactyl!" She said pushing me out the door. I smiled and put my hand on my cheek, feeling that my face was pretty hot. I got in my car and my mum knew something was different "what happened?" She asked. I took a deep breath and explained everything.

This was a little shorter than usual but fuck it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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