Chapter 3

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Sunny's POV

I gave Theo her food. That was kept playing back in my head. I mean it's not wierd to get a headache, I shouldn't worry. Theo and everyone else ate their McDonald's, obviously including me. "What now?" Orla said. "Your tagging along?" Theo questioned. "Yeah, sure." Orla said, releasing Astrid. "Wait how long were you hugging her--?" I asked. "Pretty much since y'all noticed me." Orla said. Theo seemed very proud that her ship sailed. "You can go ahead and give me my sea captain hat thing now" Theo joked. "Okay then" I said putting a leaf on Theo's head. "Now set sail!" I pushed Theo near someone's pond. "Nooo! Sunnyyyy!!!" Theo pushed back. Everyone was watching us smiling and laughing. "Y'all should just... nevermind" Astrid said. I stared at her. "Don't make us send you on another errand." I threatened. "Oooooooo! Almost!" Orla shouted. Astrid gave her a disappointed look. Orla just giggled at her. Bear was drawing faces on his hand with a pen he brought for some reason. "Let's start heading back" Sofia said. "I'll probably ditch half way, cos I need to get home eventually" Orla said making Astrid frown. "Awww, that sucks" Theo said.

Orla's POV

Astrid was kinda sad, but id probably see her in a couple days. Also Theo tooootally likes Sunny. It's so obvious. Also Astrid told me so, and I believe her on that one. Today felt strange, maybe it's just cos I'm being social. We got to the established half way point. I said goodbye to everyone and started walking away.

Bear's POV

Theo looked distracted, like, really distracted. "Theo?" I said, no response. "Theo!?" I shouted. Everyone looked at me confused. "Oh, yeah?" Theo finally said. "Just checking your not.." I didn't finish my sentence. I knew Sunny didn't know much and I think Theo wanted to keep it that way. We were almost there our parents were waving us over. We all started running, pretty much at the same time. Astrid wasn't really as connected with us all so Theo had to drag her a bit. "Guess what?" Astrid's mother said. "What?" Astrid asked. "We're gonna have a partyyyy!" My dad interrupted. I facepalmed whilst everyone else got excited. "Bear's dad's running it" Sunny's mother said. "What about me..?" Sunny said awkwardly. Sunny and her mum exchanged some odd looks till her mum said something. "Oh is before you leave daughter." She said very obviously hiding something. Sunny smiled. "When?" I asked. "Tommorow!" My dad shouted. "Really? That early?' I said, he nodded. Which meant I would have to cancel..oh nope I'm free. Sunny and her mum I ignored it.

10:08AM the next morning

Theo's POV

I woke up and I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, as per usual. I got up and changed my trousers and the shirt under my hoodie, but kept the hoodie. I checked my phone and remembered the day. "Aw heck yeah.." I said to myself as I went downstairs to get some food. There was a note on the table ' were walking the dog then going shopping, Oakley and Adam are home if you need anything. I'll be back by 2:00pm ish ' I shrugged and made some toast. I sat down to watch some TV and my phone buzzed.

>Sunny: Suuuup<
>Theo: Nothing<
>Sunny: I'm very excited<
>Theo: what, for this afternoon? Or existing<
>Sunny: Both.. mostly this afternoon. Aren't you?!<
>Theo: yeah but not screaming about stuff<
>Sunny: I always scream about stuff<
>Theo: 😏<
>Sunny: THEO NOOOO!!<
>Theo: I'm joooking dork<
>Sunny: Since when was I a dork!?<
I typed something which I obviously wasn't gonna send. >Since you became so cute..< I delete it.

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