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     Sophie's POV
    We broke the news to Keefe's father first. We figured we should get over with the worst part first.
     "What," He began. "Do you mean you are MARRIED?!"
     "Our friend Dex," I piped in. "He is a technopath. He got onto a human website and, well took the class to legally marry two people."
     "One," Keefe's father began. "It does not mean anything to us elves, and two, if it really matters, just get a divorce."
     "We decided to keep it," Keefe clarified. "And get married the elven way."
     "No!" Lord Cassius shouted abruptly. "I mean, yay..."
     At Havenfield
     This is worse than Lord Cassius' reaction. They are just standing there silently. Grady looks almost angry and Edaline is crying, and I don't know if it's because she's happy, or sad. This is so stressful!
     "Fine," Grady broke the silence. "I give you my blessing."
     He turned more towards Keefe and motioned him to go outside with him.
     I am almost scared for Keefe. Who knows what Grady will say?
     When both men left the room, Edaline finally spoke, well, squealed.
     "I have some news for you, too!" She almost shrieked. "I'm pregnant!"
     "Really?" I raised my voice in excitement. "This is great!"
     Keefe's POV
     "Now," Grady began. "Treat her right."
     I raised my right eyebrow in confusion. I really expected a speech from him.
     "I have a feeling you're confused," He guessed. "I want you to know that I am always here if you you need advice for something, I'm here. I have heard from Sophie many times, how you're father tends to neglect his role as a father."
     I nodded my head solemnly. He really hit the nail on the head, (that's a human phrase Sophie taught me)
     "Thanks Grady," I said quietly. "I really appreciate it."
     Then Grady did the most unexpected thing. He hugged me.
     That broke me. Tears started streaming down my face. I hugged him back.
     Then he started crying, too. The two men of the family, bawling.
     "Edaline is pregnant." Grady said out of nowhere.
     I pulled back and looked him in the face.
     "Really?" I exclaimed. "I can't believe it!"

Accidentally Sophie ScencenWhere stories live. Discover now