So it begins.

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I hear a knock at the door and rush to go open it because I know it's my boyfriend Gavin, it's his first time coming over and I want him to feel welcome.
I open up the door only to see my ugly ass brother Kevin, "What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were with your crackhead friends at the Rainier Vista skate park," I say in an annoyed tone. "I mean I was going to but it started to rain hard as balls out there so I came back here to chill out, I'm not trying to break my leg again. By the way you answered the door really quick.. are you expecting someone?" he asks me in complete curiosity.
"..No, no I'm not waiting for anyone," I say sarcastically, "Yes I'm waiting for someone! I'm waiting for my boyfriend." I say in a casual tone.
"You have a boyfriend? Since when? What's his name? How old is he? W-" I cut him off as he continued to ask more mindless questions. "Kevin I swear to god. If you want to know about him then when he shows up you can ask him these things to his face." I say as I sit down on the couch to wait for Gavin.
Kevin glared at me and shook his head as he walks over into his room and closed the door, seconds later he starts to blast Travis Scott's music from his speakers. "Jesus christ.." I mumble as I hear it start to play.
As soon as I spoke those words I heard another knock echo into the house, and this time I for sure know it's him because I was slightly able to hear his car pull up through the sound of Travis Scott's voice blaring obnoxiously through the house.
I jump up from the couch and open the door for my handsome boyfriend.
"Hey Gavin" I say with a cute smile. "Hey beautiful" he said, in a way that makes my heart melt. We stood in the doorway for a second admiring each other, but then I snapped out of it and spoke "We can chill out in my room of you don't wanna be out here around my annoying siblings.." I gesture towards my sisters, Jazz and Alex. Gavin looks over at them, waves, and then looks back towards me.
"Yeah that's fine by me." he says. "Alright" I told him as I lead him past the living room, just then Kevin decides to open his door and bump into me as he walks past. "Thanks asshat!" I shouted as I turned my head to look at him directly in the eyes, "You're welcome. By the way is he that guy you were telling me all about a minute ago?" He spoke slyly. "Yeah," I sighed, "Gavin this is my brother Kevin, and Kevin this is my boyfriend Gavin." I say as I gesture my hands to them while introducing the two to each other.


My heart started to beat in a way it never has before as soon as I laid eyes on the man who had just walked past Camila and I, "Thanks asshat!" Camila yelled to the man as I turned around to catch a better look at him.
"You're welcome. By the way is he that guy you were telling me all about a minute ago?" he spoke, leaving me breathless. I stayed silent and my mind went foggy as Camila introduced us to each other, the only thing I took in was his name, I had heard this name many times before but today it felt different hearing it..better I guess you could say. More special. His name is Kevin.
I finally refocused my eyes and my thoughts and I heard Kevin say hey to me, "Hi Kevin." I said with a lovestruck smile plastering my face as my cheeks slowly heated up.
"It's nice to meet you dude, treat her good or else." He said with a wink while making eye contact with me, leaving me flustered. "I- I uhm," I stuttered, looking for words to reply with. "I will, don't worry." I finally spoke.
He laughed, "Thanks Gavin." He held his hand up, I took the chance and I high fived him. His hands are warm and soft, they're a little bigger than my hands and he's a bit more tall than me. He's perfect.
"Of course!" I said a little too excitedly,"You're welcome Kevin." I said. Camila grabbed my hand, "Okay let's go to my room now, sorry Kevin's so weird." she said as she opens her bedroom door.
"Oh no i- it's fine. I don't mind at all actually", "I mean as long as you say so Gavin" she softly laughs as we both walk into her room, I sit down on the foot of her bed and take a second to realize what just had happened. I then thought to myself, "Holy shit."

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