Don't say fuck over spilled milk

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I stand in the garage and listen to the sound of rain hitting the roof as I try new tie dying techniques on T shirts with my logo on them. I grab a bottle of purple dye and shake it up, then I pour the dye onto half of the shirt that's wrapped in rubber bands.
I went to grab the next bottle but all of a sudden the rain stops hitting the roof, I walk over to the garage opener and press the button and as it opens I see a large patch of sunshine breaking through the grey clouds that were now drifting away in the sky.
"Oh hell yeah! I can actually go skate now" I said to myself as I run back over to the garage door opener and press the button again to close it, I walk inside the house and go over to Camila's room.
I figure maybe Her and Gavin might want to come Rainier Vista as well just to hang out. I knock on Camila's door and hear a loud "What do you want?" I open the door and see Camila looking at me from her desk.
"What do you want Kevin?" She says. "It stopped raining and the suns coming out, so I was gonna ask if You and Gavin would want to come to Rainier Vista with me to hang." I reply to her snarky response.
"Oh yeah sure, that could be pretty fun, I'll let Gavin know when he gets out of the bathroom." Camila says to me. "Alright well let me know what he says, I'll be in the kitchen." I replied as I left her room.


I stare blankly at the floor, completely lost in my mind until I hear Kevin's voice spill through the crack underneath the bathroom door, I didn't hear the beginning but I heard his sentence starting from the middle.
"I was gonna ask if You and Gavin would want to come to Rainier Vista with me to hang." my heart started to pound, was Kevin really thinking about me? This could be my chance to talk to him about how I'm feeling, that is if I have enough balls to say it to his perfect face. God, he's such a man.
I stand up from the bathroom floor and flush the toilet so it didn't seem like I was just sitting here being a creep. I look at myself in the mirror and I ruffle my hair and push it off to the side, trying to make it look nice for when Kevin sees me again. I take a couple deep breaths in and out, I grab the little lock on the bathroom handle and I click it to the side, unlocking it. I open the door and walk back into Camila's room,
"Hey Babe, I heard your brother talking, what was he saying? If you don't mind me asking anyway" I smile at her. "Oh so Kevin was wondering if You and I wanted to go hang out at the Vista since it stopped raining and the sun came out. We could him skate, we could just chill out near the park, or we could go on a walk, anything you want really." She spoke. "Yeah, I'd like that! That seems fun. Besides, we finished making our bracelets anyway so it gives us something else to do," I said quickly. 
"You seem excited," Camila laughed, "Yeah sorry," I chuckled a little nervously. "I guess I just got kind of restless sitting down for that long." I reply to her. "No it's okay Gav, I get that. Lets get our stuff ready and we can head out in a couple minutes," Camila says. "Okay!" I say as I give her a quick kiss on the cheek afterwards. I grab my bag and throw my things into it, my water bottle, phone, charger, coat, breath mints, and my new hello kitty bracelet that I've made. I pick up my bag and sling it over my shoulder, I look over to Camila and see her do the same with her crack sack. "You ready?" I ask. "Yep I have everything. I'm assuming you're ready too?" she questions me.
"You're right," I laugh a bit. "I am ready," I say. I reach over for Camila's hand and intertwine our fingers as we walk towards the kitchen.


I feel a smile and a light blush creep onto my face as Gavin holds my hand, he really is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. He's loyal, sweet, kind, hot, gentle, and he actually cares about me and my feelings unlike other boyfriends I've had. I know Gavin wouldn't ever hurt me on purpose, he's just kind of clueless sometimes. We both walk into the kitchen and I tap on Kevin's shoulder as he's pouring himself some milk. "We're ready to go, are you gonna drive?" I ask him. "Fuck!!" Kevin shouts as he drops his glass full of milk onto the floor, the glass shattering into at least thirty pieces. "Camila holy shit you scared me so baaddddd" he whines to me. "Well goddamn I see that now" I say sarcastically. "No but for real.. Sorry I scared you. I can help clean up really quick," I say.
I grab the roll of paper towels as I rip off three or four sheets. "Yeah that'd be great if you could, I don't want Mom walking in here and killing me, ya know? And yeah I'm driving us there." He says casually. "Oh shit I can just imagine the look on Mom's face if she saw this mess right now." I laugh loudly as I drop the folded up sheets of paper towl onto the floor, I press it down carefully with the boot on my foot, since I know the glass won't be able to break through the sole of my shoe.
The milk soaks up i to the paper towels and I pick it up and toss it in the trash can. I walk over to the kitchen closet and I grab the broom and dustpan, I place the dustpan on the floor next to the glass pieces and I sweep the shards into the pan neatly, making sure none of them escaped the broom. I wipe the floor with a paper towel one last time making sure that there's no more residue left from the milk, I drop the paper towel into the pan still on the ground, and I grab the dustpan and dump the trash into the garbage can.
"There you go Kev," I say to him. "Bless your soul Camila," He said as he puts his right hand on his chest with a dramatic look on his face, and with his left hand he wipes an invisible tear.
"You're the best sis, now lets gooo!!" Kevin yells obnoxiously as Me, Gavin, and Him all run out of the kitchen and out the front door into Kevin's car. Me and Gavin sit in the back seat with me on the left seat and Gavin on the right. I can't wait to go hang out at the Vista.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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