Imagine #2-Peter

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Please before you read know that if you are reading this I appreciate you. At least you are giving my story a chance! Thanks 🙏
I stood,punching the punching bad. I was waiting for my named to be called to see who I was fighting. I round house kicked the back,making it clink and clank with the chains holding it. "Reese Kinney and Peter Hayes,"Eric announces. I glare. "It's just him getting back at him for back-sassing him all the time!" Tris muttered. "To bad. I know how to fight," I reply, walking onto the mat. I get into stance, looking up at him. He smirked and circled the mat. I looked for a weakness. "Hey sunshine! You ready to lose?" He taunts. "Hayes...let me make this simple...,"I snap,"I will win. I bet," He circles a little more scoffing. I notice he steps before he punches. He goes to punch me so I dodge behind him. I aim a kick at his head but he grabs my ankle and flips me. I quickly get up and get back into stance. "Stop playing with each other!" Eric shouts, clearly annoyed. I smirk. "Finally!" I yell. Peter cocks his head and I take the opportunity. I jab him in the gut and quickly retract from him. He grunts and aims a sloppy punch. I dodge it and kick my foot under him, knocking him off his feet. I tackle his body and we roll around, both trying to not let the other pin them down. I grin and jab him in the throat. He coughs and hold his throat. I punch him in the nose, making it bleed. I also get a elbow to his jaw. "That's enough! Take the princess to the infirmary!" Eric barks, clearly upset that I won. I hoist his arm over my shoulder and walk out of the training room. But instead of going to the infirmary I take him to the dorm. I pull out a first aid kit and fix up his nose. He grumbles a low and barely audible 'thanks'. I giggled and he looked up, shooting me a glare. I ruffle his hair making him huff. "Your so funny when you pout like a three year old," I tease. I bent down and kisses him on the cheek. He stood up and went to say something but I just giggled and slipped towards the door. I stopped and turned to look at him. I had a huge smirk plastered in my face. "Cya later Princess," I laugh. I wave and skip down the hall. I smirk as I hear him running after me.

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