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9/28/2020 update:
the pronouns after chapter 7 are all she/he/they please read 'different y/n's' for more details
[L/n] [F/n]

[This is just the persona i'll be using when drawing Reader-chan/Flower Girl, the outfit is the one she would wear out for missions, and she does have freckles but other than that this is not what F/n will fully look like]

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[This is just the persona i'll be using when drawing Reader-chan/Flower Girl, the outfit is the one she would wear out for missions, and she does have freckles but other than that this is not what F/n will fully look like]

Yup that's me, The name's L/n F/n, but you can call me what everyone else calls me...Flower girl

I know is weird, but I've grown fond of that name, I believe is because of my [E/C] colored eyes or maybe is the way I dress that made people think of me as a flower, like my late Okāsan once said "No te lleves todo lo que te dince la gente al corazon mamita" (Don't take what people tell you to heart, Sweetie) And she's not wrong, but i think that saying just went from one ear out of the other, now i look like a living pastel sunflower.

But that's not the point, I want to tell you a story.... A story that happened to me when I was at the mere age of 17, even to this day I still can't believe that those events even happened...

This is the story of how I went to the universe of wonder.

And it all started just because of a single tree...

[L/n's POV]

//July 5th 2019//

//Minatomachi - Japan 12:47 PM//

The streets of Minatomachi were oddly quiet this morning, if you were a stranger to your own hometown you would just think that this is rather normal, But you aren't no stranger to this town, Minatomachi isn't the quietest places, there's a lot of people who are either foreign or just visiting from the nearby town. A normal person would have taken the time to enjoy this peaceful time but not you.

Your mom had sent you to get shokuryō (food) for tonight's dinner, normally you would have just done it, but it just had to be a friday, you did what your mom said just cause you did not want to get la chancla (The Flipflop) today.

"Why me, I mean she could have just asked Naomi" You whine to your friend Ayako the whole way from Osaka.

"[L/N] you've been whining the whole time since we left from Osaka" Ayako says with a sense of annoyance in her voice.

F/n: "Najimi (YES THIS IS A YAN-SIM REFERENCE) You don't understand, I have a lot of important things to do!"

A: "[F/n] fangirling over a fictional character isn't something ya know"


A: "Bitch you better not say that ain't true, cause if you forgot you made spent 3000¥ on a fucking body pillow of that one porcupine headass character"


Ayako just starts laughing and all you can do is puff your cheeks to ya know [Assert your dominance]

"Come on Flowey (-You fill with determination-) it's just a joke" Ayako says while she pats your head "Well at least I don't own a whole-ass collection of an angry ponpon" Ayako just glares at you, and at this moment you knew you fucked up

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"Come on Flowey (-You fill with determination-) it's just a joke" Ayako says while she pats your head "Well at least I don't own a whole-ass collection of an angry ponpon" Ayako just glares at you, and at this moment you knew you fucked up.

You did the most rational thing and Nigerundayo away from Ayako . "BAKUGOU AIN'T NO PONPON YOU FUCKING DONUT HAIR LOVER!"  you just glare at Ayako.



-You and Ayako Laughed and Played the whole way to Minatomachi back to Osaka, the memories fill you with determination"

//Osaka - 'Japan 3:18//

you internally cursed yourself when you arrive home seeing the you've come an hour later than expected, you hoped you mom wouldn't get so mad this time. (Rip Flower girl, her mom gonna get la chancleta)

Okasān! [f/n] ga tōchaku shimashita" [Mom! F/n has arrived"] Naomi yells

you hear footsteps, 'I'm fucking dead' was all you could mentally say before your mom came to the door

Your mom was directly glaring into your soul as to waiting for an answer on why you where an hour late "Hi Okasān..." was all you could blurt out before you just heard the sigh of your mother before you see that beautiful smile of hers "Esta bien, lo que me importa esta que esta bien" (Is okay, all i care about is that you're okay) You smile at you mother, happy that you know that today you will live....no...your happy that you got to see you mother's smile, even after the death of you father she continues to be strong...

-That fills you with determination-

//Osaka - 'Japan 11:58pm//

You sit under the blossoming sakura tree

Watching the last episode to Vento aureo, you can't help but shed a tear

you wish you could somehow warn them...or even save them, you wish they were real so you can tell them everything is going to be okay.

as you start to fall asleep under the beautiful pastel pink tree you wish to yourself 'I wish I was one of them'

You proceed to lay your head on the nearest bush and drift off to sleep...

You proceed to lay your head on the nearest bush and drift off to sleep

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//Authors Note//

//This is my very first time writing anything more than an essay, so I really hoped you guys enjoy the Interlude of Flower girl, i'm sorry if there's any grammar errors, I used google translate in a lot of the paragraphs since English isn't my first language, but lemme not make this longer than it is. after episode 1 (aka part 1) I will put a schedule when new parts to the book will come, until then I hope you have a wondeful night/duwang//

Flower kid - [Vento aureo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now