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Artemis POV

I let loose another arrow, striking the Empousa in the back of the head. The coward was trying to run away. How pitiful. Zeus had sent me and the hunt on a mission to Manhatten. A group of monsters were attempting to terrorize mortals and kill any nearby demigods. We couldn't let that happen. As I prepared to continue my hunt, I heard a high pitched scream. Instantly turning in the direction, I began to run towards the noise to investigate it.

Using my skills as Goddess of the Hunt, I followed the cries of help back to a mortal's apartment. Without a moment to lose, I entered the building, I was met with an outrageous smell. Immediately I spotted a female leaned against a wall, her face beaten and bruised. One of her eyes was sealed with glue.

What monster would do this? As if the Fates had an answer to my question, a fat man walked- no... waddled into the living room, getting confused at my presence. Taking the beer bottle he was holding, he smashed it against a nearby wall, adding to the stains already on it. 

The male decided to charge me with his bottle, taking a wide swing which I ducked. Not wasting a moment, I drew my silver daggers and stabbed the male's stomach, causing a painful and slow death. Leaving my weapons imbedded in this filth's body, I turned and made my way over to the woman. Upon closer examination, I concluded that she wasn't going to survive. What happened next did startle me though.

???: L-lady Artemis... P-please protect my child... 

As she made her request, the crying of a small child could be heard. Turning and facing the noise, I spotted a small girl. She couldn't have been older than eight. Far too young to be experiencing this horror and trauma.

Artemis: I promise. I will do my best...

???: Sally... That's Percie Jackson... Protect her for me...

With her last strength, she leaned in and whispered news that shocked me. Nodding solemnly, I watched as her life faded. Quickly placing a hand on her forehead, I whispered a small chant in Ancient Greek as her body glowed before disappearing. 

Standing, I turned to face Percie. Slowly walking over and crouching down, I offered the girl my hand, which she was hesitant to take.

Artemis: It's okay Percie. Your mom is in a good place. She asked me to take care of you.

This seemed to only scare her more as she scamped further under the table she was using to hide from what I imagine to be her step-father. 

Artemis: It's alright to be afraid Percie. I have several other girls your age who are just like you Percie. I can take you with us and help you. But I need you to trust me.

Tears threatened to flow from the girl's eyes but she slowly crawled out to me. Without saying a word she hugged me. It felt comforting. I enjoyed it. As the Goddess of Childbirth, I had always wanted a child of my own, without having to deal with a male. Making a choice, I smiled and hugged her back.

Artemis: My name is Artemis, but you can call me mom, and you're going to be very important soon.

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