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Minseok smiles softly at the younger boy, sliding into the seat across from him. "Loving the fit," he says, indiscreetly checking Mark out. It flies over Mark's head and he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Thanks, haha! Does the aestheticness get me bonus points?"
"Well I don't see why not."
The waiter wanders up, asking for Minseok's order and Mark thinks it fitting that the older man orders an Americano- almost amusingly so.
"Isn't it bitter?" Mark finds himself asking.
"Well, yes. But I enjoy it. I'll put in a sugar packet or two when I'm feeling adventurous," Minseok chuckles. Mark takes a moment to admire how handsome he looks when he laughs. "Tell me about yourself, Mark."
"Well, I'm a junior in high school- my best subject is English while my worst is physics. My closest friends are Donghyuck, the one you met the other day, and Renjun. I don't really need these glasses, they're just for fashion" he pauses, taking the accessory off and setting it on the table, "I also am absolutely terrified of the gangs around here, even though I'm just boolin with you right now."
Minseok grins somewhat maliciously, "Are you terrified of being with me?"
Mark swallows roughly, "Um, not necessarily- should I be?" His toes start tingling and his heart thuds against his chest. The eye contact Minseok was holding with him made his stomach do backflips. He felt scared... and awfully aroused.
     Minseok breaks the tension with a smile, "Nah, you don't deserve to see scary me yet."
     Mark lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. What was that?
Before they knew it, the sun had already start to set. Mark looks out the window, exclaiming. "Holy shit, time really flies fast."
     "Hmm, I guess you just love spending time with me."
     Mark smiles softly. "Yeah.... yeah, I do."
     "Do you want me to drive you home?" Minseok asks.
     "Oh, it's fine. I live walking distance away."
"All the more reason for me to drive you," the older man says. Mark sighs, giving in.
     "Fine," he draws the word out, his lips pulling upwards in just the slightest.

     The car was cold, but the a/c was blasting heat. Minseok had one hand on the wheel, the other resting on (a/n what does a car look like again) the armrest console. Mark turns, looking at Minseok's side profile. His eyebrows were thick. His nose was straight, save for when it turned down in just the slightest at the tip. His lips were parted slightly. Minseok turns, meeting Mark's eyes and the younger boy turns away abruptly, ears going red.
     "Am I that pretty?" Minseok chuckles.
"Shut up," Mark whines, running his hands down his face in embarrassment. Minseok's free hand grips onto Mark's, entwining their fingers and bringing them to set on the center console. Mark's lip quivers in just the slight, and he squeezes Minseok's hand. It was warm, calloused and rough. It was big, engulfing Mark's one hand. They stayed like that until pulling into the driveway of Mark's house.
     Minseok leaves the car running as they both step out of the vehicle, the older man grabbing back onto Mark's hand when they get closer again. "Thank you, for today," Minseok says.
     "Anytime..." Mark replies, his face dusting pink.
     Mark holds his breath as Minseok's free hand comes up to Mark's face, brushing a few strands of hair behind his ear and cupping his check, pulling him closer. Mark's eyes shut and Minseok softly pressed their lips together. Mark's heart flutters as Minseok nips softly at his bottom lip before pulling away slowly.
     "Text me," he says before returning to his car, waving a farewell, and driving off.

hello im writing this while sitting in the shower

Cosmic Latte ⥇ Minseok x Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now