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*nsfw warning: not the whole chapter*

"So good... so good Mark," Minseok's voice came in quiet pants. Mark looked up, from his own bare waist to Minseok's tented boxers, to the man's bare chest and Mark's leg thrown over his shoulder, and up to his face. His eyes hazy and Mark could just tell he was close to losing his composure. Mark moans as Minseok grinds on him. Mark covers his face with his arms, he was probably making a humiliating expression. He doesn't want Minseok to see him like that.
His thoughts blur out as Minseok strips himself of his boxers, leaning down, removing Mark's hands and staring into his eyes as he grips their cocks together and-
"MARK HYUNGGGG!" Donghyuck shouts from the bottom of the staircase, waking Mark from his dream. Mark shoots up in bed, hair askew, heart pounding, and dick aching. Doom clouds Mark's mind as Hyuck comes thudding up the stairs. Mark quickly grabs a pillow, slamming it on his crotch right as Donghyuck bursts through the door. "That's a little sus," the younger boy points.
"Okay literally shut up. What do you want?"
"Do I have to have a reason to be here? Maybe I just wanted to see my best friend," Donghyuck. Mark rolls his eyes. "We should invite Renjun and Minseok over and watch some movies or something."
     Mark sighs, calming down, "Sounds good to me. You call Injun, I'll text Minseok."

     Mark and Donghyuck exit the house, quickly walking to rent a couple movies and returning home. Renjun shows up first, then Minseok. They settle down in the tv room, blankets and popcorn and lights turned off. Hyuck and Renjun sitting on the floor and Minseok and Mark sharing the couch.
     The dream still on his mind, Mark becomes overwhelming aware of Minseok's presence. The head radiating from his body, the burning of his side where Minseok was leaning against him. Abruptly, Mark stands up. "I'll be right back."
     "Do you want me to pause the movie?" Hyuck asks, nearly unintelligible from the popcorn in his mouth.
     Mark rubs the back of his neck, "No, it's fine.. I shouldn't be too long." He rushes out, bolting to his room.
     Donghyuck and Renjun turn to look at Minseok, who's staring after Mark, perplexedly. "I'll go after him."
     Minseok explores the house, trying to find Mark's room. He comes across a closed door, opening it and looking in he finds Mark sitting on the edge of his bed. The sudden noise makes Mark look up, bewildered. Minseok approaches him, not saying a word. He plops down next to the younger boy on the bed, crowding around him. "You haven't looked at me since I got here."
     Mark looks at Minseok's arm. His shoe. His chest. "Haha... what do you mean? I'm looking at you right now."
     Minseok rolls his eyes, grabbing Mark's chin and forcing him to meet his eyes. "I mean really look at me." The dream from the previous night flashed through Mark's mind and he turns away from Minseok. "What happened? Did I do something wrong?" The older man asks.
     Mark whips around, shocked, "No, no! Of course not!" He near shouts.
     "What's wrong then? Tell me."
Mark's face goes red and he shrinks in size, "I just had a weird dream about you last night."
     Minseok's eyes go wide and he understands. "Oh. Okay," Minseok feels his restraint slipping, but it's too early. What if he scared Mark off? Exhaling slowly, Minseok starts, "It's all good. It was just a dream. It doesn't change who I am or who you are. Let's get back to the movie?"
     Mark looks up at Minseok, smiling sheepishly before nodding. Minseok stands up, holding out his hand for Mark to take before returning to the tv room go finish their movie.


Minseok unlocks the door to his apartment, sighing as he enters the cold and dark home. He turns the lights on, grabs a beer from the fridge, and lets himself fall onto the couch. He remembers Mark's face. How the younger boy looked when he told the latter about his wet dream. How fascinating, Minseok thinks to himself. The man lets his head hang off the armrest as he shuts his eyes, letting his mind wander. About Mark. About the pretty blush that dusts his face when he gets embarrassed. About his slim but lean figure.
     Mark had a wet dream about him. Him! Minseok's hand slithers down his body, gripping his crotch. He sighs, imagining it as Mark's. The younger boy would probably be tentative, careful. Minseok palms himself, thoughts of the boy flooding his head. Finally succumbing, Minseok slides his hand into his pants, underneath his underwear. Gripping himself, Minseok starts jacking off, Mark's pretty face the only thing on his mind. It didn't take long for him to reach his orgasm, the muscles in his stomach spazzing out as he cums.
     His relief was cut short as his phone rings. Minseok sighs as he answers the phone.
     "Xiumin, we've been raided. Those BTS fuckers raided our shit. We're down 23k. What should we do?" Chen's voice comes through the line, strained and the younger boy was obviously in distress.
     Minseok cusses under his breath striding quickly to his room, opening his desk drawer to grab his gun. He puts it in the waistband of his jeans before telling Chen, "I'll be there in 10."

just a disclaimer lol I got no shade with BTS I'm just using them as another gang- There will probably be other groups I use as gangs. Some will be allies, some will have feuds,, etc. But again, I don't have any shade or any problems with BTS or any other groups I use in the future.

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