Chapter 1

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Many eons before Cybertron died.

Decepticons found a new way how to weaken their enemies. They were striking their hospitals and soon they started to murder Autobot's sparklings so they couldn't get new soldiers. The Decepticons had only one rule. None Autobot will survive, none. 

The strongest warrior group of all Autobots were almost invincible Wreckers they had millions of members but getting into the Wrecker's group was very hard and some would say impossible. There were the most scouts among Autobots. They were the youngest of Autobots. Scouts were always the main parts of the Autobot army, besides warriors. And every time they combined with anyone the scouts were in charge. For Wreckers' training, Autobot has to go and pass the first phase of training but most of them can't pass it. 

The most significant group of scouts was called the Elite S squad. The members of this squad were: the best of the best Bumblebee the main scout, Silence, his brother Supreme and Diesel the medic and brother of Prime's personal medic. Those four scouts were the best of the best. They all have the most experience with scouting on the battlefield or anywhere else. They were able to completely disappear and then appear so suddenly. None of Decepticon ever found them. Not even the brothers who were bigger than Optimus Prime himself.

Once they got a mission with the best group of Wreckers. Their team was made of: Ironhide the leader and weapon specialist, Wheeljack the bomb specialist and field medic, Jazz the warrior and Bulkhead the big guy as they called him.

Bumblebee and Silence knew them all. They were good friends. Wheeljack and Bulkhead always said Silence could become one of the Wreckers. But Silence kept saying he isn't the right one. But the Wreckers had their own thoughts.

Their mission was to destroy Decepticon prisons in the centre of the Kaon and find survivors. Wreckers thought it would be easy as always but they had to work with scouts now so they were under their lead. They were lucky Bumblebee was leading them. He may be the youngest scout Autobots ever recruited but he was trained by life and Prime himself and that made him the best. On another side, Supreme always acted like he wanted their missions to fail. He was not fully trusted Autobot. But his younger brother tried his best to always cover him. And last Diesel. His younger brother was the most trusted friend of Optimus Prime both brothers became medics and they were better than anyone expected. 

Bumblebee led the group through the empty streets of Kaon carefully. He had to take care of seven other Autobots instead of three. But he was always ready to sacrifice himself for them. He was in the front of the group next to him was Silence, his best friend. "It's too quiet here. They're expecting us." Silence whispered to the smaller Autobot. He was twice as tall as Bumblebee and so was his brother but he was even taller and bigger than him. Bumblebee nodded he knew it won't take long for someone to notice them.

Bumblebee suddenly stopped and looked around. After a few seconds of the deadly quiet moment, he yelled: "Bomb!" everyone hid behind the nearest building just in time before the bomb went off. "Wait! Wasn't that the prison?" Diesel asked slightly afraid of his own words. Everyone's optics turned to him in realization. They looked around the corner and saw a hole in the ground and ruins of Decepticon prison. Bumblebee scanned their surroundings for any Decepticon. "All clear," he said when he was fully sure no one was there.

All eight Autobots split up and searched the area for survivors but found just parts of bodies. When they got together all of them had the same expression on their faces. The expression of disappointment. "We must continue. Our mission is not over yet. There is another prison on the west." Bumblebee said trying to find some way how to get out of there. Other Autobots nodded and followed the young scout to their second target. But after a while of walking through the city, another explosion was heard in the direction where they went. Their quick walk became a rush to the place of the explosion. "Split up and search," Bumblebee ordered and his team did as they were said. But before they got far away from each other they heard Silence talk to someone.

"Hello, little one. Don't worry I won't hurt you," he said gently kneeling in front of someone. His size obviously not helping. "Come here. I want to help you." he continued. His team was watching him curiously and gasped when they saw little sparkling coming slowly to their friend. It had the main colour white slowly coming into light silver and blue and red stripes.

Little sparkling came right to Silence and immiadetly hid in his massive chassis. Dark silver Autobot carefully lifted sparkling up and wrapped his servo around him to protect him. Before Autobot stood up again he heard little mech sobbing. Instinctively he patted his back to calm him down. But the sparkling didn't stop crying and he held onto Silence's chest plates for dear life. Silence turned to his friends. "We must get him out of here," he said. "Is he injured?" Diesel asked feeling his duty kicking in. Silence looked over little sparkling and shook his helm. "Just a few scratches and he seems to be low of Energon." Silence reported holding the sparkling back close to himself. Diesel wanted to take a better look at the sparkling but the little mech won't let go of the bigger bot. He screamed in fear when he touched him. Silence wrapped both of his servos around sparkling more to tell him it was alright.

"I'll follow Si and the kid back to the base. The rest of you stay here and try to find anyone else who survived." Wheeljack decided and his friends agreed except for Supreme. "If that kid survived the explosion why can't Silence and Wheeljack stay here? The kid can last longer until we are done here," he growled.

All optics turned to him and he folded his servos. Silence's optics were suddenly full of anger. "We can't risk staying here with him. We don't know in what shape he really is, Supreme. Sometimes you act like a Decepticon." the younger bot hissed with poison in his words. All Autobots were almost scared of that. He never argued or cursed. "Come on Wheeljack." Silence ordered while he gave his brother a look of hatred and started to leave. Wheeljack quickly shook the shock off and ran after Silence to catch up with him.

"Si, was that necessary?" Wheeljack asked his friend. Silence looked at him while he held sparkling close. "Yes." he simply replied still angry at his older brother. "He would let the sparkling die. I know he just wants to find more survivors but because of that he can't want me to stay there and risk his life." Silence added and rocked still crying sparkling. "Don't worry, buddy. You are safe now." Silence tried to calm him down. Wheeljack said nothing and looked around for any Decepticons. Suddenly  Silence gasped and Wheeljack jerked his head to him to see what was wrong. He saw Energon on Silence's palm plates. Wheeljack went into his protective mode. "What happened?" he asked urgently. Silence looked at his palm plates and then at his friend. "We have to hurry. He's coughing Energon." this was the only thing he said before he started to run. Wheeljack no more asked and ran after him.

When they finally reached their base Silence went immiadetly to the best medic he knew. Wheeljack led the way and found the medic in the corridor. "Ratchet!" Wheeljack called getting the medic's attention. "What did you do now, Wheeljack?" the medic asked frustrated with the Wrecker. "We found a sparkling on our mission he needs your attention." Silence took the word. Ratchet immiadetly nodded and signed for Silence to follow him. Wheeljack stayed in the corridor. Ratchet let Silence into his medical room where he had all his tools. Little sparkling hid more in Silence's servos when he saw the tools. "Where'd you find him?" Ratchet asked. "We went on a mission in Kaon. We had to destroy the Decepticon prisons and save the prisoners. We got to the first one but it was too late Decepticons blew up the prison. Noone survived. And the second prison exploded as well but I found this little sparkling. The others are still searching for other survivors." Silence explained firmly. 

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