Chapter 4

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Goodbyes are so painful. I recall when I was still a child and my papa will often go to fight wars for the village. Whenever he had to leave, I will close my self in my room and not come out.

My friend had told me goodbye was the last thing she told her papa before he went for war and he never came back.

From that day I will always avoid saying goodbye before he went for war in fear he might never come back. That was my own little way of protecting him.

As I grew up, I understood it was just in my head. Still, up to this day I don't like saying goodbye. Goodbye to me is like you're losing hope of ever meeting again. Hope is the reason of our very own existence so I rather have that hope than face harsh realities.

Sir Henry was aware of how much I hate goodbyes. I'm still holding the letter he left for me. I've not mustered the courage to open it.

I'm glad he avoided saying goodbye one on one. Deep down in me i know that day we spent in that cabin was a goodbye though i didn't want to accept it.

I've had this letter for almost a month now and I'm still not ready to open it. Opening it is giving myself a closure on our story and I'm not ready to do that.

"Ebaï, hurry up we'll be late." My cousin Abia shouted.

Today is my marriage ceremony. I met Oben shortly after Sir Henry's departure. He came to ask my permission to see my papa and ask for my hand in marriage.

At that moment I knew if I'm to marry with no love at least I'll have respect. What he did is a very big deal and for that he'll always have my respect and loyalty. No man in our community ever goes to the woman first. Women are to marry whom ever their father choses for them.

So far I've been very lucky my Papa's love for me has made him soft enough to choose a suitor for myself.

I quickly put the letter into one of the bags that would be later carried to my new home today. I then adjust my wrapper above my chest.

I know I was supposed to have read it already to get closure before today but I just couldn't. I should get rid of the letter but I can't. That'll be hard because it's a memory of him. Oben may have my respect and loyalty but not my heart.

I meet my cousin outside. Immediately she sees me, she smiles and pull me into a hug.

"You're blessed and the most beautiful woman I know " she said in a hushed tone. I pulled away from the hug and smiled back at her. I knew I was lucky but I wish she or any girl around here didn't have to see marriage as the ultimate success.

The ceremony will soon start. I'll have go in there to meet my papa and my uncles for them to prepare me with the first ritual.

I'm so nervous. Oben is a good man and maybe too good for me. "Ebaï Papa seeks you." My junior brother informed me. I felt a knot in my stomach.

I walk to the entrance of the parlor where my Mama waits for me. When she sees me she doesn't hide her joy. Together with her we walk into the room full of my uncles an Papa.

My Mama and I greeted the elders on our knees and heads down. Papa asked us to stand and I was handed me to him.

At that moment Sir Henry's face flashes in my mind. His love, his laughters, his words and the feel of my hand in his. I think of all the good moments we've shared, all what he has taught and though it ended I don't regret a single thing.

I don't hate him for leaving, I don't regret knowing and loving such a beautiful soul. I know I will always love him because a love like ours isn't one you forget.

I think about Oben and our future together. Maybe one day the part of me not taken by Henry will love him.

I go down on my knees before my papa. His face is full of pride as looks at me.

This is now it. No turning back again. My fate is sealed.

The end

There will be a sequel 🥰

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