Chapter 16 - What Goes Around, Comes Around

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Hey all, so I wrote this in bed again specially for my friends who insist I write some every night. I try, so here is tonights installment.

Enjoy... :)

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Leon's POV

"So, what did you do yesterday whilst I was in detention?" I asked Lana, who was hopping along beside me. It was another beautiful end of summer day, and was warmer than yesterday. Lana was dressed in long jean shorts that reached just above the knee and with it a white tank top, and a black cardigan.

We had been chattering on about nonsense since I met her this morning on her way to school, so I was surprised when she suddenly didn't answer. I glanced around to see if someone was near us that would stop her talking, but there wasn't I squinted closer at her, which was difficult as she had her head bowed, and could just make out pink cheeks. Was she blushing??

"Lana," I warned. "What happened?"

Her quiet, timid, sweet voice whispered back: "We went to the lake in the park."

I knew that wasn't the whole story, so I kept pressing. I know I said I respected her, but this felt like something I should know.

"We kissed."

I had to prevent myself from inhaling sharply, as jealousy stabbed me like a knife.

"And he asked me out." That bit was almost inaudible, but I heard it. Not only had the knife of jealousy stabbed me, but it had sliced and chopped me too.

For the rest of the journey to school, which was only a few minutes thankfully, it was silent and I walloweed in self pity over the fact the girl I liked didn't like me, and she happened to be my best friend. I don't think you could get anything more clichéd.

'Dude, enough with the self pity already. You knew it would be like this!'

'I know Derek, but it's hard!'

'You'll get over it eventually!'

I knew Derek was right, but I would focus on that later, for now I would be sad.

Finally we arrived at school, and ignoring the dirty looks I got off people for walking in with Lana, we trudged to the lockers.

However, whilst Lana was still in the middle of packing her bag for the first two lessons, I spotted Blondie waiting by the girls changing room. I had all the stuff in my bag, my clothes for her to wear, a liquid I found in the cupboard, that I think was my mum's and hoped it would ruin her make up, and food colouring to put in her shampoo. I would have used hair dye, but I didn't have any, surprisingly.

"Um, Lana, I need the loo, I'll see you later ok?" I asked, feeling bad for leaving her, but needing to get over to Blondie.

She nodded, looking slightly crest-fallen, and returned to packing her bag. I hoped she would be ok. Even though she was going out with someone other than me, I was still her best friend.

I hurried over to the entrance to the changing room and quickly handed the stuff over to Blondie. She said her thank you's and good-bye's before disappearing into the changing room.

Pleased my part of the deal was done I headed off to registration.

Lana's POV

"Um, Lana, I need the loo, I'll see you later ok?" Leon asked from behind me. I gave him a halfhearted nod, sad that my best friend would be leaving me on my own.

He left hurriedly, and I went back to packing my bag slowly, delaying having to go to registration.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into whoever it was who pulled me. I squeaked in surprise then rolled my eyes when I worked out who it was.

"Hello my gorgeous girlfriend." Pete whispered in my ear, making my neck warm up from the heat of his breath.

I looked up at him, to see he was smiling down at me, so I scooped up my bag, threw it on my back, and led Pete to our classroom. It was good that Pete was in my class as well as Elliot, which I didn't know until he told me, as he was late coming in yesterday.

We got to the classroom just as the bell went, so we slid into our chairs, and waited for everyone else to come in. I watched countless people come in, give me a dirty look, then sit down. Jeez, did I really deserve that?!?

I smiled when Elliot came in and grinned at me. It made a nice change to all the glares I had been getting.

The teacher arrived and called the register, and only two people were missing, Anabelle, one of the cheerleaders and Jenna. They had early cheer practice or something like that.

The bell rung again to send us on our way to lesson 1, which was Maths, so Pete, Elliot and I made our way to room

4, and settled down quickly. I was waiting for Leon to come in, but as the crowds that pushed their way through the door thinned, there was no Leon to be seen.

Mr. Carter, our teacher, took attendence and just as he called Leon's name the door opened and there stood Leon, smiling like he won the lottery.

"Please take your seat Mr. Jones." Mr. Carter droned, in his monotone voice, and finished off attendence. Everybody was here except from Jenna and Anabelle. Guess cheer practice was longer than expected.

Anabelle arrived only 5 minutes after the lesson had started, but it was over half way through the lesson when Jenna came, and boy did she make an entrance. There was a loud scream, and footsteps in the corridor, not the usual clickaty-clack of her ridiculously tall stilettos, and the door flew open.

There was a pause, where everybody seemed to decide what was the best reaction to her appearance, before unstoppable laughter, giggles, chuckles began to spread through the classroom like wildfire, and soon enough the whole classroom was laughing hysterically, me included.

For there Jenna stood in the door way, with very baggy guys jeans on that were far too big, a polo shirt that drowned her and instead of her stilettos had dirty trainers.

Not only that, but she wore no makeup so all the effects of sleeping around and cheering to much showed, and she did t look so perfect any more.

That wasn't the worst of it though. For Jenna's normally bottle blonde hair was now a deep vibrant red, as though someone had dyed it with red food colouring. I glanced at Leon who had a smirk so big on his face, I'm surprised there was any room left for his nose and eyes.

Everybody took out their phones and snapped a picture of the not-so-pretty Jenna.

All I had to say was:


******COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you. All especially Beyony, Eloïse, Georgina and Jess!!! Xx love minime12-lover xxxxx

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