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the walk to hayin's apartment, was quiet. as she walked into the little space , san looked around, realizing how long he hadn't stepped in to his own house.

san who was fascinated by his surroundings, made himself feel at home and explored the little space hayin called home.

hayin on the other hand was setting up the couch, transforming it into a bed. she also set up her heater, which was much easier to set up than the one at the cafe.

"san, you should lay on the bed, you must be exhausted", she said to him, trying to keep the fireworks in her heart content.

as hayin was about to leave to go to the kitchen, "aren't you tired too?" san asks her, making her heart beat like crazy.

hayin, turns to san, and smiles, "it's alright, if i feel like i need more rest, i'll just call in sick tomorrow" , she says before proceeding to walk to her small kitchen.

she ran some warm water into a bowl, getting a wash cloth in the midst of doing so. she walked into the living room, where san was.

hayin sat by the figure that was laying down, she rung the cloth, to remove the excess water, and she gently places it onto san's forehead.

"hayin.." san says as she kept patting the cloth around his face.
san didn't know if he should tell her , he was frightened that she might run away.

"hmm" , hayin hums softly, "you can't warm me up hayin" , san finally says, making hayin stop patting the cloth on his forehead.

"what do you mean?"
she asks him, as she put the cloth back in the bowl.

san was scared, but he knew he had to be honest with her.

"i'm dead hayin", he finally says, making hayin look at him, sadness in her eyes.

"what?" she asks him. san told her all about the events that had happened that caused him to be stuck on earth for eternity.

"i am so sorry san" she said to him, believing him immediately. it all made sense to her, his temperature, how people couldn't see him but she could.

but what made her curious was, out of all people, why could she see him?

"do you have any idea why , out of all people i can see you?" , she asks san, only for him to shake his head, "i don't know hayin, i'm kind of lost myself", he says, snuggling into the blanket.

"we'll talk more tomorrow, you should sleep first, you seem tired"
he says as he faced the other direction.

as hayin washed up, she was curious, she believed him sure, but why, out of all people, she could see the guy.

all these thoughts kept running through her head, keeping her up slightly. she managed to fall asleep, about twenty minutes after she thought about the possible reasons.

author's note
hi! slight announcement: the WiFi at home got cut off for some reason and the dude who's consulting us said it should be fine in like two weeks so rn I'm updating with data:/ so if you guys realized that i don't update often it's because of my WiFi but no worries i will make tons of drafts for you guys 🥺

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