Part IV | Theodan

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The light had gone out.

The Balck Rock was not known for its comfort, and without the thin flickering glow of the last lit sconce, he was plunged into almost complete darkness. He felt it pressed against him, crushing his bones, seeping into his mind. 

Only when he closed his eyes did the light return.

Fara brushing Ovash with small hands in the noonday sun. Fara running through the white grass of the Avalia ni Palateia.

Skipping now across a field of pale blue flowers, a yellow gown which exposed the graceful arch of her neck and the rise of her breasts, her hair tied up with white ribbon though sections had come loose from her exertions. She stopped and turned her head, the wind lifting the loose strand of honey-gold hair over her eyes so that she had to delicately brush it away. She smiled a smile of pure unfiltered joy as she beckoned him closer, before lifting her gown to take off running once more, her head back and laughing as she did. 

He opened his eyes and stared at the grim briny darkness of the cell.

He felt no different. Apart from those few terrible moments when the fateful vision had erupted in his mind, he felt unchanged. His mind and body remained entirely his own. Quieter than usual, in fact, as though it were now a wasteland in the aftermath of some great and final battle.

Perhaps he had been unworthy of the visier's gift? His mind unable to take on the exalted duty of she had required of it? Perhaps there was some ceremony he was supposed to complete in order to achieve some final transfer? Were his eyes the same violet black hue they'd always been? He thought of the moments after, when he'd returned to himself to find the High Visier's body had turned cold and bloodless in his arms. The Menodice standing around him, waiting, watching. 

The circle widened between two Menodice and through it moved the Isdar. Dressed in the official cloak of the Court of the Moon, his silver hair pulled back from his pale face, his features arched in horror as he glanced down at what lay before him, blinking in disbelief. When Orrin met Theodan's eye, there swam into them a blaze of abhorrence the like of which he had never seen before. 

'What have you done?' Orrin's voice was thin.

He lowered his head, grief rushing at him. 'I failed to protect her.'

Orrin said nothing but when Theodan lifted his head again to look into the Isdar's eyes, he looked stunned.  

'Stand, Theodan,' he commanded him quietly, his voice trembling with rage.

'I will not leave her here on the cold ground.'

'You will do as you are commanded and stand!'

Contempt burned back at him bright in the molten red of Orrin's eyes. This was always how Vala's brother had looked at him, but there was something new in his gaze now, something like torment, like grief.

Theodan rose carefully to his feet, still holding the small cold body of Thessalynn in his arms. He glanced at the Menodice closest to him and gestured for him to come forward to take her from him. The Menodice looked at Orrin first, who gave a single nod of his head, before stepping forward to take the body from him.

'Take her to the Sanctum of Arayis,' Orrin ordered quietly. 'Guard it with your life and let no one enter until I arrive.' He sent four guards to follow the body of the High Visier before bringing his attention back to Theodan.

'You will be taken to the Balck Rock to await your fate.'

'You know I did not do this.' His voice sounded liked a plea.

Sins of Calate: BOOK II OF THE FOUR REALMS SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now