Guards were posted in the two watchtowers on either side of the doors, two in each, more she guessed behind the embrasures built into the walls. A further four stood sentry on the bridge itself; two at the portcullis, another two where the road met the bridge. All bore the polished silver armour of the Nati - Calate's cavalry and scout division.
The Ninerveh royal crest hung from the castle's outer walls, the red, gold, and black of the flag vivid against the pale stone of Alathy's castle. It blew gently in the wind, a sinister dance under the moonlight.
Her breath caught, uncertainty rising within her at the sight of it. She wanted to turn and run. Run far from here, far to where he would never ever find her. Run to the only soul alive she knew could protect her now.
What madness had taken hold of her? That she had thought to return here to him, after everything. Had she truly hoped to find him merciful? Changed? Death had been her escape. She should have gone to some far-flung corner of the realm and lived life in peace.
With Theodan.
Would he have given up his home and his realm to be with her? She did not know.
My soul has known no light before you.
Perhaps. Though what did it matter now. These were nought but foolish notions of a fanciful child.
She was here because only she could hope to change the outcome of this war now. A war that had been started in her name. Only she could see Zybar punished for what it had done to Azura. Only she could save Ethis now. Her life for the lives of countless others. Innocent men, women, children, Leothine and human -- yes, it was a fair trade.
'Now would be the time to tell me you deceived us all, princess,' Elyon said quietly. His voice brought her back to herself, away from the dreadful clarity she had arrived upon. She turned to him.
'Deceived you?' She blinked, confused.
'Mayhaps you are not Fara, Princess of Calate, wife of Galyn of Azura. Mayhaps you are indeed what you fooled Theo into believing you were: a servant girl from the sun palace of King Sylvan.' His eyes were soft now.
She smiled, a stab of something like loss piercing her heart. 'Oh, how truly I wish I could tell you that was so, Elyon.'
Elyon frowned, surprised by the weight in her voice. Turning from him, she stared uneasily across the bridge, at Valdr's soldiers who guarded it. All that now stood between her and him. Between her and freedom.
If war comes to Calate, I shall find you in it. I will come for you.
Gods, Theodan. How will you know? How will you know that I need you to come for me whether war comes or not? How will you know that without you I shall bleed, wither, and die here all over again?
No. Not this time. Not again. This time would be different. It had to be.
She steeled her shoulders and raised her chin, turning to face Elyon.
'I suppose this is where we say goodbye, Elyon of Lethane,' Fara said.
Elyon dragged his sharp gaze from the castle back to her. 'Unfortunately, you are not relieved of me so easily, princess. I am to remain by your side until you are reunited with your brother.' Though he did not say his name he did not have to. Theodan had commanded this of him.
'They will kill you upon sight?' She said, a chill scraping down her throat.
He made a soft scoffing noise. 'They will try.'
'Elyon there are guards posted on the walls, the watchtowers, the Gods only know how many inside the castle walls. You are skilled, certainly, but you are not invincible.'

Fantasy**BOOK II OF THE FOUR REALMS SERIES** When war came for Azura, Fara of Calate lost everything. Her husband, her new home, her freedom. When her captor - the formidable commander of the Leoth army - saves her life, she begins to see the enemy as som...