Talking to fans

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In three days, Charlie was safe to be released. When we came to pick him up there were fans in the entrance trying to meet their idols. Leo smiled at their face but signalled to Jordi to say,"Can we have some privacy?". When we walked in to see Charlie, he looked amazing. He had a purple galaxy print shirt on with bright blue jeans on. He had purple vans on with bracelets over his bandaged up arms hiding away his scars. we hugged him and I looked in his eyes. "Just a word of warning, there's loads of fans outside at the entrance waiting for you." He nodded and giggled,"Don't worry. I owe it to them" so we went outside while we were holding hands. Charlie was signing and Leo was taking selfies. Everyone was asking Charlie what had happened but he was too embarrassed so he said he'd hurt his arm again.

There was a particular girl I spotted. She had short blonde hair and a bambino beanie on. She had bright pink lipstick on and mascara on her long eyelashes. Her eyes filled up with tears as she gently put her arms around Charlie. Then, Jordi and Harvey walked out and she waved and got a photo. She was so star-stuck. It was great to see. I walked up to her and smiled. "What's your name?" I asked. She shook my hand and pulled me into a hug. "I'm Leah!" I nodded and she said,"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, are you dating one of the boys or something?" I laughed and said,"Well, I'm very fond of them all. To say the least. But we're not actually dating, though. How old are you?" she nodded and said,"Im 14. And you?"
"I'm 14 in a few weeks," I smiled.
I waked off to see other fans and waved goodbye.

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