Check on Harvey

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While I was sitting with Charlie, I must have fell asleep. When I woke up, left him sleeping as I walked into the waiting room. "Oh Grace, here's the keys to the house. Would you be able to check in on Harvey and feed the cat? you can wait till Charlie wakes up if you want." I nodded and half smiled,"Sure, I want to speak to him anyway!" so she handed me the keys as I left.

When I got there it was really cold. "Harv? Harvey?" I shouted up the stairs as I guessed he was probably sleeping. I fed the cat and made my way upstairs. I checked into the room he was staying in (sharing with Charlie) but he weren't there. I noticed a light on in his en suite I walked up to it slowly and knocked on the door. Nobody answered and I couldn't hear a noise. But, I opened the door anyway and couldn't believe what I saw...

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