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heejin closed her locker, sweating as she smiled to herself. she was a student at the undefeated school known as jangmi high. staff and students at other schools knew that said school have several of the best athletic students in the entire district contributing to their undefeated record of winning all their matches.

jeon heejin, kim jungeun, jo haseul, kim jiwoo, and park chaewon all belonged to the volleyball team, being the best players present. everybody in the school knew about them, they weren't knownin a bad way but instead were known for being kind and, well, being great volleyball players.

today a match was taking place, heejin and her team members were having an away game. usually the girls wouldn't stress over a match but this one would be different, they were going against lee sora high, the second best school in the district. both jangmi and lee sora high had never lost a match and we're soon to be going to the championships. this particular game would defy and see who would be the best school.
there really isn't much to say except the score was fairly close with jangmi high winning. woohoo!!

✰ after the match ✰

heejin walked away from her gym locker out the door, her teammates chanting her name proudly. she and jungeun were like the secret weapons of the team, knowing strategies of the game like no other.
they were getting ready to walk by and high five the other team to get rid of "no hard feelings."

jungeun was behind heejin in the line saying something like "wait their actually kind of cute."
"that's sick, jungeun." heejin said jokingly and turned around to look at the tall girl, even though she herself was short.

"shut up, het." she replied, rolling her eyes playfully.

heejin did the same and looked forward making eye contact with a different tall girl. she did have to admit that the girl was a bit attractive but noticed that she was the girl who was hitting the ball at her and doing almost anything to make her fall or get injured. the girl looked at heejin and made a stank face, muttering something to her teammates. heejin looked back surprisingly wondering what she did to deserve any form of hurt from the girl.

"hey jung, this bitch is looking at me crazy.."

"girl stop, im not tryna drag you away from a fight right now, my feet hurt like HELL."

heejin turned back around pouting. she didn't know what for but she was.

the walking began, the girl from the other team was towards the back of the line and they never broke eye contact. heejin just knew that gowon was looking at these girls drooling but now isn't the time, she was half-assing the handshakes but when it came to the girl, she was a bit nervous to shake her hand. she paused a bit while the girl looked at her confused.

"um hello? omfg just shake my hand already" the girl said irritated.

heejin looked at her and then her hand before slowly reaching her hand out. the other girl wasted no time in grabbing her hand and pulling her close to her. heejin could hear the gasps coming from around the room clearly.

"you know, you're a real pussy for being the captain," she looked at heejin's nametag seemed into her shirt "but, you're real cute so i'll let it slide, heejin." heejin never heard anybody say her name like that but, she did like it. the girl resumed: "i'll see you after the game." she let go of her hand and pushed her away a bit. she smirked and continued giving her handshakes.
heejin looked down at her hand, walking in the line. after finishing, she immediately went to her friend group, being bombarded with questions and statements.
"what was that about?"
"bro, she was SO hot"
"are you good, heejin?"
"are you bLUSHING??"
she grabbed a mini mirror out of her bag filled with her clothes seeing the obviously dark red tint on her cheeks. why would she be blushing? she isn't attracted to girls. maybe she was embarrassed? but why would she be embarrassed, that doesn't make sense.
her friends immediately stopped talking when a group of footsteps could be heard. heejin didn't look away from her mirror even as they shoved her in front of them. she looked into it and could see her best friend haseul's reflection behind her, her eyes a bit wide.

"hey," heejin could recognize the voice, being a bit intimidated. she looked at up at the owner of the noice and froze up a bit, "not gonna lie, you guys are pretty good, we'll gladly take our L. but anyway i'm hyunjin, you girls are pretty cute so it won't mean anything to us." the now known girl heejin has been having a rough time with has a name. hyunjin.. that name sounded  familiar to her.

"hey babe!" heejin looked to the right side of her. oh. that's why the name sounded so familiar.

. . . .

yall omg heejin is a h3t3r0 ??

n e ways,, i hope you all liked this chapter !! its still hard for me to write considering i almost never write.. this book feels different though, i really REALLY like the plot so i hope i wont loose interest and stop writing lol

please vote if you like this chapter !! im sorry it took forever to come out but i just wanted to thank everyone for reading !!

upload date: 2019/12/19

EDIT: sorry for leaving y'all on a cliff hanger AKAMLS

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