Heart-Shaped Doodles?

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Your PoV

"Okay class! Please sit down." As we went to sit down I just sat by Hiro, He's the only kid my age for one and he's the only one I know whose in this class.

"Morning everybody today we'll be drawing our partners to practice and so on and so forth you may pick your partner." I turned around to face Hiro, "Um.. Wanna be partners?" Hiro smiled, "Sure! So who draw who first?"
After moments (more like a second) later you came up with an idea. "Why don't we draw each other by memory?"
Hiro smiled, "Yeah that can work." Hiro picked up his sketch book as I went to grab mine and pencil to begin drawing. Looking up and down a few times you manage to draw Hiro's Hair of fluffiness, and got every detail into it. Finally, after getting his Blue sweatshirt in and everything you were done, and you were proud of it! I smiled as a little joker thingy, knowing you were proud of the drawing, you drew a little heart by the Hiro sketch.

"Hey ___ are you okay?" I looked up,
"Why?" I asked. "Because you're blushing." Hiro started snickering.
"Not much as you." Results of that, Hiro's face was beat red. Take that Hiro!! When he returned to drawing I went for my eraser to get rid of the heart. I tried erasing it but it wouldn't..
You drew this is black ink.


Okay, this is probably a bad thing! I looked at the clock we have less than a minute! You didn't attempt scribbling out the heart and color in the hoodie black because then it wouldn't look right. What to do what to do.... I got it!!
(Your welcome)
I grabbed the pen I used and drew big and little hearts right by the original one making it A pattern, they were so close together you barely noticed the hearts!!

"Okay class! Show your partner you drawing and hand them in for grading!" I turned to see Hiro, "Want to show each other our drawings at the same time?" Hiro grabbed his drawing, "I can do that." We lifted our drawings up. When I saw the drawing Hiro made, it was perfect! It had every detail and you smiled at this, you felt very happy regardless oh him drawing pretty good on average, you didn't know it just made you feel special.

Is it because he drew it?

"Okay class! Bring em' in!!" You liked your new teacher she seemed pretty cool.

As you turned in your drawing and Hiro's you went back to where you guys sat.

"I really liked the drawing you drew ___ it's really good."

"Thanks I personally really liked yours too." Hiro smiled, I smiled oh nothing can get better than this.

"Awe, You two look so cute together!!" Holy tomato. It was Honey Lemon.

"I thought you didn't have this class?!"

Honey giggled, "I don't, I just had to drop off something for Ms. Honda, thats all but I saw you two! See yah third hour!" And that she walked out the room, making us laugh.
(Imagine her having this face for a moment ಠ◡ಠ )

"Say Hiro when does this class end?"

"About 8:55 why?"

"Just wondering.."

"So.." I looked up at Hiro. He paused with awkwardness for a moment.
"Um... Ever heard of bot fighting?" He asked sheepishly. "I love bot fighting!!" Hiro's eyes sparked in enjoyment.
"Really?" I grinned proudly,
"You betcha!!"

And thus the bell rang, as you waved Hiro goodbye you couldn't help be feel excited to see him third hour. Today sincerely is at its best!

Hello! Thanks for staying for my poorly written readerfic ;w; As usual any errors let me know soon please! And thanks again :D it makes me feel special knowing people are giving support uknow?
Anyway See yah next chapter!!

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