Jonathan × reader

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It was a bright sunny day and I am walking around L.A with my bestfriend Jonathan. I've had a crush on him for a long time but I'm to scared to tell him cause I dont want to ruin our friendship.

We were just a few minutes away from my house when Jon started to talk.

"Hey, Y/n?"
"Can I tell you something that's been on my mind for a couple of years?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"I-I like you"

I was so shocked that my bestfriend/crush likes me back. I was so happy. So I said "I like you too, I've liked you for a long time."
"Me too"
"Ok, so.. I know it might be a little early but... Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

I was so happy and excited and I knew just what to say.

"Yes, I would love too!"
He just smiled back at me. Then, he did the unthinkable... he kissed me!!

I was surprised but I kissed back immediately.

After about 5 seconds, we let go. We smiled at each other, blushing.

We then held hands and walked to my house.

When we got to my house and I unlocked my door and we walked in and I shut my door.

Right as I shut my door, he put me up against the wall and started making out with me, i kissed back immediately.

He then licked my bottom lip asking for permission. I decided to tease him by shaking my head no. But he didnt buy it, he just smacked my butt and I moaned which gave hime enough time to slip his tounge in, our tounges fought for dominance but of course, he one. We kissed for a little more and then stopped to catch our breath.

I was so shocked that I didnt know what to say so I just thought of something to say and said "That was..."
"Amazing" he said finishing my sentence.

We laughed and just went to my living room to watch t.v.

How was it? This is my first fluff/almost smut. I'm thinking of what I should do next. But for now on, no requests. Bye


Jonathan Brandis Smut/fluffWhere stories live. Discover now