Jonathan x reader

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/your pov/
It was about 5 p.m when I came home from a day of work.

I'm 19 y/o. And I dont go to college, I do college online.

I got a job at a small cafe near my home.

My boyfriend, Jon, is still at work. Were the same age.

"He should be home in a few minutes" you thought.

But right as I thought that, I hear the front door open and close.

You go to the front door to see Jon taking his shoes off.

"Hey, babe" -Jon
"Hi" y/n
"Did you just get home?" -Jon
"Yeah, a few seconds ago" y/n

Once I answer, he smiles and heads to the kitchen to get something to drink.

I smirk in my head as I think of a plan to tease him. I want him to get the hint that I want him on and in me. (Ew)

So I follow him to kitchen and ask for a drink. He gives me one.

We go to the table and start talking. A few minutes later, I remember my plan to tease him.

So, I put my foot on his private part. And started to move my foot in circles.

I saw him look in my eyes as a way of telling me "I know what your doing. Stop. And go to the room." I went to our shared room as he followed.

When we stepped into the room. I felt his hands turn me around and push me up against the wall.

He starts kissing down my neck, instantly finding my sweet spot. He starts biting(in a soft way), licking, and sucking as I moan.

He then picks me up and lays me down on the bed. He bends down and starts pulling my work skirt down. He pulls it down to my ankles and comes up to me and kisses me. As he kisses me, he puts his hand on my heat and starts rubbing me. I moan softly as I feel him go harder.

He then stops and pulls my underwear down.

He bends down and says "damn babygirl, are you already wet for daddy?"

I nod my head slowly and he lowers his head down to my heat and licks a thin strip down my clit.

I moan and I fell him lick my clit even more.

And when he heard my moan, he started licking faster which caused me to moan louder.

I then fell him put two fingers inside me. He starts going in out of me fast.

I fell myself about to cum and I scream "daddy, I'm about to cum. Can I?"
"Yes babygirl, you can. Let it all out" -Jon

As he says that, i release on his fingers. Once I'm done, he pulls his fingers out slowly and puts them up to his mouth and licks my cum off of his fingers.

"You taste good" -Jon

As he says that, I get up and start to unbutton his jeans and pull them down along with his boxers.

His member springs out in front of my face.

I look at him as I slowly start to pump him. He throws his head back in pleasure.

I go a little bit faster. His breathing got louder as I pumped him.

I then stop and he looks at me. I giggle and go down on him.

I start licking and sucking his shaft.

I bob my head faster as I feel him twitch inside my mouth.

I go slow again but he takes a fistful of my hair and forces my head down.

Knowing me, I dont have a gag reflex, so he knows it wont hurt me.

I start to deepthroat him as he shoots his load in my mouth and I swallow it.

I then take him out of my mouth and lay on the bed, on my back.

He grabs a condom off the nightstand. And he puts it on.

He hovers over me and puts his tip on my entrance.

He goes in slowly as I wince in pain. He notices and smiles and says "Its ok, babygirl. The pain will go away"

I smiled as he went all the way in. He waits for my permission to move.

A few seconds later, I tell him that he can move.

He goes all the way out and slams back in.

I moan out loudly as the pleasure over comes me.

He goes faster, if it's even possible.

I moan as i say "Daddy, I'm gonna cum"

"Cum for me baby" Jon

As he says that, I release all over him.

A couple seconds later, he releases his load in the condom.

He takes it off and throws it away.

"That was great" I say as I start to drift off.

"Yeah" he smiles then falls asleep next to me.
Finally updated. Sorry, I had to delete Wattpad because I got a new phone and I gave my old old one to my mom so I had to delete my apps. But I just logged back in. So be prepared for any time that I update. Byeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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