Jonathan x reader

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||your pov.||
It was a beautiful night and I'm hanging out with my boyfriend Jon. I love him so much and just thinking about him makes me wet. (I cringed) Hes just so hot yet soft. We've never had sex before, I'm to scared to get fucked with an actual shaft in me but I at least want to be fingered. And I at least want some pleasure. Sometimes I call him Daddy but i'mma do it a lot tonight just to tease him.
Were just sitting here as dirty thoughts and lust filled the room.
I was in the middle of a dirty thought when I felt something in between my legs, I was starting to get wet. I just shrugged it off cause I didn't want Jon to get the hint yet.

||Jon's pov.||
I could just feel all of the lust and dirty thoughts fill the room. I've never felt this way before but I like it.
I was watching TV when I saw Y/n squirm around for a second. I smirked in my head because I knew what she was thinking about, she was also getting wet. I decided to tease her a little bit my putting my hand on her thigh and rub it and I started to get closer but I stopped knowing my plan was to tease her.

||your pov||
I was in the middle of another dirty though when it was interrupted by Jon putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it. He kept on getting closer to my heat. He stopped right as he got to my heat. I was mad at the loss of contact but I knew he was just trying to tease me and it worked. Hes getting payback. So I decided to palm him through his boxers.

||Jon's pov||
When I quit teasing her, she starting to palm me through my boxers. I was trying so hard not to moan or grunt but I couldn't  help it.

||you pov||
I smile as my plan worked. I got Jon hard. I thought for a few, planning on what I should do next. I know just what I'm gonna do, im gonna make an excuse to go to the bathroom and tease him by calling him daddy and pulling my shorts up so more of my butt shows and I'mma sway my hips.

||Jon's pov||
I was watching TV when Y/n asked and did something that kinda've but not really, shocked me.
Y/n "Hey Daddy?"
Jon "Yes Babygirl?"
Y/n " I'm gonna go to the bathroom"
Jon "Ok"

||your pov||
I smile as he fell for it. I pulled my shorts up. And I got up and started walking, swaying my hips. I turned around to see Jon hard and him eyeing my butt. I almost make it to my door, when I felt two hands go around my waist and pull me back to the bed. I was excited that my plan was working. When I hit the bed, Jon grabbed me and made sit on his lap. He starts rubbing me through my panties know that turns me on.

||Jon's pov||
I grab her because she was teasing me and pulled her on my lap. I starting rubbing her through her panties as I start to talk.
Jon "Is Daddys little girl being a tease? You know that no one likes a tease."
Y/n "Sorry daddy"
I start to rub her faster as she moans.

||your pov||
He started to rub me faster which caused me to moan.
"Just finger fuck me already" I say as I was getting tired of the teasing.
Jon "Will do, baby girl"
I smirk at him and he does it back.

||Jon's pov||
I smirk as I slip my hand into her panties and put two fingers in. I go slow and then go faster. I lay her on her back and I start to go harder. She started moaning like crazy.

||your pov||
He lays me on my back and starts to go harder and I start moaning, I was a moaning mess.
Y/n "Yes! Yes! Right there. It feels so good!
Jon "You like it dont you babygirl."
Y/n "Yes daddy. I do."
Y/n "I'm gonna cum!
Jon "Do it baby! Cum all over my fingers!"
(Eww, wtf)
As he says it, I let go all over his fingers. And he licked all of my cum off of them and omg, it was hot. When he came up to me, he kissed me and I could taste myself on him. We made out for awhile and then we pulled away. We just smiled at each other and went to sleep cuddling with each other.
  That was my first kinky and hot imagine. I hope you liked it! (P.s my cousin wrote this and gave it to me, to post. And I did.


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