Chapter 8 : Chaos

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Chapter 8 : Chaos

"Me! Pick me!" Hands shot up all around the classroom after what Mr. Aizawa informed us.

He had said we were picking a class representative today. Everyone was relieved to hear we weren't doing something hard or unexpected, like ironically, we all expected.

Aizawa sighed, he wasn't getting paid enough to deal with this. In the end, Iida suggested to have a voting session and the one with the most votes gets to be the rep.

Each one of us got a piece of paper to write down the name of the person we want. I chuckled as I wrote down a name.

'Ashido' was written all over my paper. If she gets picked, it'll be amazing. Imagine how much fun we'll have.

I stood up from my desk and walked to the front with my paper in hand. I took a quick look at Bakugo's paper on the way, of course he wrote his name.

Why would he pick anyone else? I placed my paper inside the box on the stand and sat back down.

"Y/N!" Mina whispered. I looked at her and nodded my head up, asking what she wanted.

She told Kirishima something, passing the message on to him. She giggled after Kirishima told me what she said.

She had written down Kaminari's name just to see his reaction. I laughed and told her who I wrote down, causing her to laugh hysterically.

I shushed her, still giggling a bit myself. Kirishima just shook his head with a smile, "You two were meant to meet." I smiled with my teeth dramatically at his comment.

"I always had a feeling we were." Mina smiled and placed her hands on her waist proudly.

After having a bit more fun and joking around, everyone finished writing down names and it was finally time to see the results.

Kaminari had stars in his eyes and looked really happy to have a vote. Mina felt kind of bad voting for him as a joke.

The winners ended up being Midoriya and Yaoyorozu. Midoriya being class rep and Momo the vice rep.

"Who voted for him!" Bakugo suddenly yelled, Uraraka whistled suspiciously. I tried not to laugh at him, he's so embarrassing.

Midoriya visibly shook with fear, "Don't worry about him. He's just butt hurt he didn't get any votes." I said loudly to him, making sure Bakugo heard me.

He turned to me sharply, maybe that wasn't a good idea since he's sitting next to me. I smiled sweetly, looking as innocent as possible.

"What did you say?!" He stood up and slammed his hands down on his desk. "You heard me." I crossed my arms and turned to face the front.

He was fumming at this point. His ears were red and so were his eyes, redder than before. "I'll kill you, Y/N!" He shot out to me and I shreaked.

I had turned my body towards him and fell back from my desk. He pointed a finger at me and laughed evily.

I blew my hair out of my face with a huff, my eyes narrowed at him. "Jerk." I grabbed onto the seat and pulled myself up.

He scoffed and sat back down. Everyone had small smiles on their faces. They missed us joking around together.

For a second, I forgot all about our fight. I forgot he was still an asshole, that he never cared for our friendship.

I shook off the thought and looked to the front where the two winners stood. Midoriya still couldn't belive that he had the most votes.

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