Friends Again

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I set my keys on the side and hung my coat on the hangers in the hallway. Sighing, I headed into the living room, jumped on the couch and switched on the TV. I had just finished my first photo shoot with Ben, so I was absolutely shattered.

But I guess the timing just wasn't right. The channel was left on the one I was watching before, but the programme that was playing was a sort of gossip-news kinda thing.

I think you can guess what was on the screen.

"Harry Styles was yet again left broken by the girl of his dreams. Now, Zoe Bennett is a very beautiful young girl, but is she as nice as she really seems? Not only did she break his heart once, no, she's now done it again by kissing Luke Hemmings, one of Harry's close friends from the band Five Seconds of Summer. Fans of the gorgeous Harry have gone into a big argument with each other, fighting about which of the two, Harry or Zoe, is the one in the wrong. Now, we're sure Zoe could be a lovely person, but what could of caused her to do such a terrible thing, to such an innocent young fella."

I threw the tv remote across the room in anger, knocking over a glass, but I didn't care. I was so annoyed, literally pulling my hair out.
Pulling out my phone, I sent Harry a text telling him he needed to clear everything up, and a few minutes later, a new tweet came through.

@harry_styles: Don't hate Zoe. I'm the one who ruined everything, not her. It's all me, I swear. She has done nothing wrong and I'd appriciate it if you all stop sending her hate when she really is an amazing girl. I owe her, big time. And I still love her more than anything. Sorry Zo.

I retweeted and favourited it, before locking my phone and putting my head in my hands.
Being well known by the world was definitely stressful. Everyone knew your business, and everyone got involved in too.

But I don't understand what's going through Harry's mind. One moment he's in love with me and the next he's in love with Bella, which is making me go crazy. I can't stand not being with Harry but then he's acting like a hormonal teenage girl.

I unlocked my phone, clicking on the contacts and pressed Harry's name. Should I or not? I mean, I don't want to completely remove Harry from my life because most of my favourite memories are with and to do with Harry.

To hell with it!

I pressed the number and held my iPhone to my ear. Within a ring Harry straight away picked up.

"Zoe?" Harry asked, putting a small smile on my face.

"Hey." I breathed out.

"Hi, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Harry asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to thank you for what you said on Twitter, I really appreciate it."

"Oh... no worries, I just wanted to clear everything up. I'm sorry for being a dick Zoe, I really am."

"It's okay... I was wondering if you wanna come see a movie with me? I wanna rekindle our friendship. I'm thinking The Maze Runner." I grinned at the thought of Dylan O'Brien and Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

"Yeah, that sounds really cool! What time?"

"I'm ready whenever." I shrugged. I really didn't worry about what I looked like, Harry had already seen me at my worst many times, and I didn't need to please anyone other than him.

"Alright, I'll come pick you up, give me ten minutes maybe?"

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled, before hanging up.

I ran my hands through my hair, putting on some lip balm, my shoes, and my coat, and then waiting patiently by the door.

When I heard his knock, I waited a few minutes before answering, so I didn't come across as too eager.

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